Fianl Decision

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I was at the hospital bright and early to pick up Kellin, just as I had promised.

"Ready to roll?", I asked him after the doctor tested his breathing, blood pressure, and said that he was free to leave when he was ready.

He nodded his head. I rolled a wheelchair over to his bedside and slowly and gently helped him into it. When we got outside, the truck was out front waiting. Mike and I lifted Kellin into his seat and buckled him in and just like that, we were on our way home.

After an hour of driving, we were finally there. Tony and Jaime carried Kellin upstairs and laid him in bed. I stopped by the fridge to grab a drink as they said their goodbyes to him and left us alone to talk.

After I got him situated in bed I asked "You ready to tell me what happened?"

He sighed and reluctantly nodded his head. "Promise me that you won't be angry first".

I didn't know why I would be angry at him for getting into a car wreck, but I promised anyway.

"I was dropping the kids back off at home. Kate was there obviously and she was really drunk. She kept forcing herself on me and she kissed me a few times. And I'm not going to lie... At first, I didn't push her away and the second time... I... I kinda kissed her back. She pushed me onto the couch and started unbuttoning my shirt. Somehow, her shirt and bra ended up on the floor and... I don't know what was going through my head. But Rowan walked in and stopped us. That was my chance to get away, so I ran to the car and quickly drove off. I looked back for a second and then.. BLAM! Car wreck", he said quickly and quietly.

I stared at him for a moment in disbelief. The things he had just said began to register in my brain, and I involuntarily crushed the Rockstar energy drink that was in my hand.

"Vic, I'm sorry", he began speaking but I stood up from my seat and walked out of the room, angrily slamming the door behind me.

How was I supposed to react? The love of my life had almost had sex with his ex. The lips that he let her kiss, those lips are mine. What if the kid hadn't interrupted? Would they have gone all the way? Besides, Katelynne was the one who was drunk. Kellin was completely sober and he allowed things to get that far. I must admit, I was pretty pissed and I didn't know what to think.

I walked downstairs and angrily punched the wall beside the front door, leaving a huge hole. I sat down on the couch in the living room and anxiously began shaking my leg.

When we were on vacation, Kellin had told me that he was worried about me leaving him for someone else. But now, I was scared that he was more in love with Katelynne than he was with me. I put my head in my hands and let the tears fall.

After about an hour, I walked back upstairs and opened my bedroom door. Kellin looked up at me. I could tell that he had been crying. I just stood there and stared at him expressionlessly. "Baby, please let me explain myself", he begged.

"Kellin, there's nothing to fucking explain. It's obvious that you still have feelings for Kate. If you weren't injured and if I didn't feel obligated to take care if you, I'd honestly probably leave right now. But I won't. Because my love for you is real and I would never willingly hurt the person that I love...", I said as calmly as I could.

Kellin bit his lip and did everything in his power to hold back the tears. His attempt was unsuccessful and the floodgates opened as he burst into tears. I finally realized what I had just said to him and I walked over to him and put my arms around him, holding him securely in my embrace.

"I'm so sorry Kellin. I didn't mean it like that. I just.. I... I'm sorry", was all I could say. I meant what I said, I just expressed my thoughts and emotions in the wrong way. He had just got out of the hospital and I brought him home just to yell and scream at him. I was such a suckish person. But I was angry too. My lover had betrayed me. That was something that I didn't expect.. At least not from Kellin.

"It's okay...", he held his head low and said simply.

"I'm going to mom and pops' house", I said as I turned for the door again. "Lay down and rest. If you need me, just call", and with that, I walked next door to my parents' house and used an extra key to open the door.

"Mama? Papa?", I asked as I entered.

"Victor?", Papa asked as he peeked around the corner.

"Hey Papa", I said as I gave him a big hug.

"Hey son. What brings you here?", he asked.

"What? Your son can't come and visit you without wanting a favor?", I joked.

"No. You can't", Mama said jokingly as she opened the kitchen door and walked out as she dried her hand with a dish rag.

I gave her a hug and kiss. "Well actually, I do want something", I began. I told them the entire story behind Kellin and the wreck and the cheating. When I was done, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what they were going to say.

"Son, things like this happen. You obviously love him. I mean, I suppose you do since you've proposed to him. When you love someone, second chances aren't optional... They're automatic", Mama reasoned with me. "Just like your song 'Kissing In Cars' said, 'Second chances won't leave us alone cause there's faith in love'", she said with a huge grin.

Mama always knew what to say to lighten my mood. She was always the one to bring me up out of the dumps and always the one to knock some sense into me. Oh how I love that woman.

I nodded and replied with a simple "Mmm K". I hugged them and told them goodbye as I walked out the door.

I slowly walked across the yard and to my house. I walked in and thought about what my mom had just said. I did say that there are second chances in love in my song didn't I? I mean, I was madly in love anyway. Of course I could forgive him. He was my all.

When he woke up from his nap, I told him that we needed to have a serious talk and settle these things once and for all.

"Kellin, be honest with me. Do you or do you not want to marry me?", I asked.

"Victor, please believe me when I say that I do. If I didn't, babe, I wouldn't have accepted the proposal. The thing with Kate was just spur of the moment and I swear that it won't happen again", Kellin attempted to reason with me.

"How can I be sure Kellin? I don't want you breaking my heart. It's already way too fragile. It can sustain much more damage", I said to him.

"Trust. Just trust me and put your faith in me one last time. I won't let you down Vic. If I still wanted Katelynne, I wouldn't be going through a divorce with her right now. Besides, I moved away from my kid for you. Now, if you ask me, that's true love", he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Ok. One more chance Keller", I said as I leaned in and kissed him. "Please, please don't let it happen again. And I'm sorry for spazzing out earlier. I was just upset".

"You said nothing wrong. I understand. It's cool", he paused. "It is cool right?", he asked to be sure.

"Absolutely", I whispered as I nibbled at his bottom lip.

(A/N: sorry that this chapter is short. I've been losing inspiration lately. Can you guys please vote for my stories, fan me, and leave comments. I read them all as soon as I get them so please keep them coming! I love you all!)

A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now