The Wedding.

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The music started and Kellin's stepson, Liam, pulled Copeland, the flower girl, down the aisle. Next was Rowan, the ring bearer. Then one of Kellin's groomsmen began their descent down the aisle with one of my groomsmen. First, it was my Papa Fuentes who walked with Jesse. Then Jaime and Justin. Then Tony and Jack. Then our good friend and drum tech, Casey, with Gabe. Last was our best men, Mike and Matty.

I glanced around the room at all of the our friends and family, then at the green and cream decorations. I let Kellin go crazy with planning this and green is his favorite color. Everyone stood and turned towards the door as Kellin and his step dad made their way towards me. My heart was tap dancing inside my chest. This was really about to happen.

"Who gives this fine young man to this fine young man?", the preacher asked, motioning from Kellin to me.

"I do", his step father said and with that, he gave Kellin a hug and returned to his seat in the front row beside Kellin's mom. Kellin then positioned himself across from me. I grabbed his hands and stared him in the eyes the entire time that the preacher was running his mouth.

"Mr. Fuentes, repeat after me. I do take this man to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, through sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, till death do us part", I repeated after him and so did Kellin. I was then allowed to give Kellin the ring back that he had returned to me and he slid my ring onto my ring finger.

"Mr. Fuentes, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live?"

"Damn right", I said.

"Mr. Bostwick, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live?"

"Hell yeah", he said.

"With the power invested in me by Weston County, I now pronounce you husbands. Vic, you may kiss your groom", he finished and my lips quickly found Kellin's. The kiss was slow, sweet and passionate... perfect. "For the first time, I introduce Mr. & Mr. Fuentes!"

I picked Kellin up bridal style, as the crowd cheered, and ran back down the aisle with him and outside so that he and I could have our first few moments of alone time as a married couple.

"You're my husband now!", Kellin said excitedly and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I know. It's crazy, right?", I asked.

"Yeah but not as crazy as I am about you", he winked.

"You're amazing babe. Let's go for a walk", I told him and grabbed his hand.

"You know, Kellin Quinn Fuentes doesn't sound half bad", he said.

"I think it sounds fucking majestic", I said and gave his hand a little squeeze.

We walked around the venue and outside to give our stalking photographer, Adam Elmakias, a chance to snap some photos. Then we headed for our reception.

Upon arriving, everybody hugged, kissed, and congratulated us. Our DJ played party songs that everybody danced to. Everyone seemed to have been enjoying themselves. Then, it was time for the signature dances.

Kellin and his mom danced along to the song A Song For Mama and my mom and I danced to A Mother's Touch. Then, it was me and Kellin's turn. We actually had two songs. One was once that I had written a long time ago, called Kissing In Cars and the other was one that SWS made a cover of, called Iris.

Dinner was then served. We had the choices of Blackened Catfish or Tilapia or Ribeyes. I sat at the table with Kellin's parents, his two brothers and two sisters, my parents, Mike & our older brother, Frank.

Next, we cut the cake. I didn't even pretend like I was going to feed Kellin the cake and then shove it in his face. I just cut it and threw it at him, which began a full fledged cake war. Everyone began grabbing chunks of cake and throwing it at their significant other. Luckily, my mom had seen that coming and had made us a second cake, just in case.


"I can't believe it.. we've finally done it", Kellin whispered to me. We were sitting on the beach, still in our tuxedos, on the sand, holding hands, watching the sunset.

"Me either. We've been through so much. I didn't think we'd make it this far", I said.

"You didn't? I had doubts sometimes, too. But in my heart, I think I knew that this would be our destination", he replied.

We sat in silence for a moment, just absorbing the beauty that was in front of us.

"When those doors opened today, I thought that I was going to have a heart attack, literally. So many emotions were running through me. I was excited, nervous, anxious, scared and confident all at once. I've been waiting on this day for so long. It just seems so unreal", he continued.

"It does, but it's not. We're both now officially known as Mr. Fuentes", I added.

"I posted a wedding picture of us on Instagram a few hours ago. The fans are going insane", Kel chuckled. I loved hearing him laugh. It made butterflies flip in my stomach whenever I heard it.

"As beautiful as you are, you could make anyone go insane", I flirted with my husband.

He blushed. "Same to you, babe. Thanks", he said before kissing my cheek and laying his head on my shoulder. I then placed my arm around his neck and laid us both down on the sand.

"Remember what I used to tell you when we first started dating? Me and you against the world?", I asked. He nodded. "That's the way it'll always be.. You and me, forever".

He chuckled. "Hey, let's go for a swim", Kellin said spontaneously.

"What? No, we're in our tuxedos", I pointed out the obvious.

"Well, Duh! Guess that means that you'll just have to come out of that tuxedo then, Hmmm?", he said seductively.

"There's a time and a place to get naked, babe", I giggled.

"And this is it", he said as he sat up, pulling me up with him.

I playfully groaned. He turned me towards him and loosened my bow tie. He sexily bit his lips as he started unbuttoning my shirt. "Stop doing that. You're doing unspeakable things to me", I said, referring to my member that was now hardening.

More giggles. "Good deal", he joked. I then began undressing him and soon enough, both our naked bodies were snaking into the cold Pacific waters. We splashed and tossed each other around until we saw two figures walking in the distance. We kept still and submerged half our heads underwater so they wouldn't see us. As we got closer, we realized that it was Jaime and Oli. They were holding hands and causally laughing. They both looked really happy.

"Hey guys! Wanna join us?", I stood up and shouted, my lower half still hidden in the ocean.

"Yeah. Water's nice!", Kellin encouraged.

They playfully made disgusted faces at us and continued on their journey.. somewhere.

"I have to admit, I admire both of their cheekbones", Kellin said as they disappeared once again.

"Yeah. If they could have a child, the kid would be like, a cheekbone god or something", I laughed and so did my husband.

For the night, we continued talking, laughing and joking and once it got really dark, we even made love under the starry heavens. I had the love of my life and for good now. That's all I could ever ask. After all we had been through together, life was finally on track..

A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now