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"We need to start packing babe. We leave for vacation in three days", Kellin said as he jogged down the stairs and came and flopped down in my lap.

"Do it for me", I groaned.

"Lazy! Get up!", he yelled as he stood and yanked me up onto my feet.

I walked towards the stairs first and he jumped on my back and I carried him upstairs, ran in the bedroom, dumped him on the bed and started tickling him like a mad man.

"Stop...babe... STOP!", he said in between breaths. He was doing that laugh again, you know, the one that made me stumble head over heels for him...

When I finally stopped a few seconds later, I went to the closet and took out a suitcase. "You need one?", I asked Kel.

"Nah. My stuff's already packed", he said. I went back to my closet and ripped my favorite tank tops, graphic T's, skinny jeans, and cargo pants from their hangers and stuffed them all into the bag with a few pairs of different shoes. "Done", I said as I turned to Kellin.

"Done?", he asked. "I didn't see you pack underwear, socks, and pajamas".

"Oh yeah. How did I forget about that?", I asked rhetorically as I walked to my dresser to get the things.

"Toothbrush? Toothpaste? Comb and brush? Blow dryer? Deodorant? Lotion?", he folded his arms and asked.

"Dang it!", I said as I walked to the bathroom and came out with an arm full of stuff that I threw in the bag. "Anything else?"

"Razor, aftershave, soap", he said as I walked to the bathroom.. again. "You should probably pack some caps too. You know that you can't function properly without one on your head", he said as he walked past me and ran his fingers threw my hair.

"See, this is why I asked you to pack for me", I whispered seductively as I walked past him

"What do you do when you get ready to go on all of your tours? Do you leave all of your things at home?", he teased.

"Of course not.... Mama packs for me...", I said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

He laughed. "Get a pair of sandals and a light jacket just in case it gets really windy. Oh, and pack a pair or two of swimming trunks... we're obviously gonna be doing a lot of swimming", he added before he waltzed out of the room.

'What would I do without Kellin? I wouldn't be going on this much needed vacation for sure. I love that guy. He's my everything. I sure hopes he knows that', I thought.


When I woke up from my nap on the couch, Kellin was on his laptop Skyping in the kitchen with some of his other band members, Justin and Jesse.

"We miss you Kel. It's been so long since we've seen you since the tour and all. And now, all of a sudden you've moved away without telling us?", one of them asked.

"It's just a few hours away", he said in his defense.

"What's gonna happen to our band? You leaving us to be with them now?", the other asked.

"No, no it's not like that. I mean, their cool and all, but I love you guys", he said

"Not more than you love Vic", one said

"Listen! I do love Vic and you guys can accept that or not, but it won't matter! I'm living with him now and that's that. We're still a band though guys! We're still a team. I've only made changes in my relationship, not in who I am as a person!", he replied.

I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen. "Is there a problem babe?", I asked him

"Uh, no. It's just me talking to the guys", he said as he pointed to the laptop.

A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now