The Discovery.

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I stood at Vic's doorstep with Matty by my side. I was still complaining. I still didn't want to be here...

"Can we go now? I've rang the doorbell a million times and I've knocked. There's nothing else we can do but leave", I tried convincing my ginger haired best friend.

"No. Gimme a second while I call him", he said and took out his phone and dialed Vic's number. No answer. So he called the house phone. No answer.

"He probably knows that it's us and just doesn't want to see us. He's probably watching from his bedroom window right now. Let's just go", I begged.

"Gas isn't cheap and I don't live close by. This took a lot of effort on my part and I'll be damned if I leave before we get in", Matty fussed.

He then dialed Mike's number. He answered almost immediately.

"Double M! What's up baby?", I heard Mike say.

"Whiskey hands! Everything's good! Except I'm trying to get in contact with your brother and I haven't been successful yet", Matty said.

"So have I. I'm in Nevada with Jaime and Tony. We tried getting him to come but he wouldn't budge. It's been nearly three days since I've heard from him".

"Aren't you worried? I mean, do you think he's okay? "

"I dunno. It's not like him to not return my calls. Hmmm... ", he thought to himself. "I guess I'll come back home and see what's up".

"I'm standing on the doorstep of his place actually", Mat stated.

"Really? Cool. Try to get in. Break a window if you must", Mike ordered him.

He shrugged. "Will do", he said before hanging up. "We've got permission to break in", he said casually.

I shrugged. "Whatever".

"On three", he said and motioned his head towards the door. "One.. two.. three". He kicked one side of the door with his left foot and I kicked the other side with my right. "Shit!", she cursed while gripping his leg. I laughed... first laugh I've had in a long time..

"Who's the pathetic piece of shit now?", I mocked, thinking back to earlier when he hit me with the same insult.

I continued walking through the house calling Vic's name, searching every corner, and checking every closet. Matty hopped upstairs and continued the search.

"Kellin! Kellin, get in here!", Matty yelled to me after searching for a bit. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I followed the sound of his voice out to the balcony. There, I found Vic's body halfway hanging over the edge of the rail. Matty shook him to wake him, but to no avail. I ran over to him and with Mat's help, we eased his body down and back onto the ground. There were crushed beer cans and broken wine bottles everywhere, and the scent of alcohol was strong. I spotted a bottle of pills in the balcony's corner. I ran over to get them. They were sleeping pills.. on the bottle, it clearly read 'DO NOT TAKE WITH ALCOHOL!'. He was unconscious but at least he still had a pulse.

"We have to get him to the hospital, fast!", I cried out to Matty. He nodded his head and whipped out his phone, dialing 911.

"Yeah. I just found my friend passed out in his home. Yes. Yes ma'am. He's taken sleeping pills with alcohol. There's alot of alcohol but I'm not quite sure how many pills he took. Yes.. No, I don't. Okay.. yeah. Yeah.. Alright. Yes, that's correct. Okay, bye", Matty spoke to the emergency personal. "An ambulance is on its way", he assured me.

At this point, tears were streaming from my eyes. Yes, I left Vic but that doesn't mean that I don't still love and care for him. He's just tried to take his own life and thats not okay. I looked back down at him and saw a piece of paper poking out of his pocket. I took it out and began reading it..

Dear loved ones, I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I've done this. I know, I'm selfish and inconsiderate for making you all go through this but.. I felt like this is what would be best for me. After all I've been through recently, this is what I wanted.. to be free. To mom, dad & Mike- I sincerely apologize for making this decision. I love you all with all my heart and I thank you for supporting and encouraging me throughout the years. I'd be nowhere & I'd be nothing without you guys. You were my inspirations... To Jaime & Tony- You guys were more than just band members.. you were my brothers and I'm sorry for leaving you guys so suddenly. Keep the fans strong for me and be strong yourselves, okay? To the fans- I know that I'm a really big hyprocrite, I went against the advice that I always give to you guys.. 'Hold on, things won't be bad forever'. I hope that you guys don't stop believing that because of what I've done. My death wish is for you guys to promise to not follow in my footsteps. Would you guys please promise me that? And last but most definitely not least, To Kellin- I love you, okay? I was beyond stupid for the decisions I made and I hope that you can find it within yourself to forgive me one day.. please. You'll always have my heart.. Please don't hate me.. I love you. Signed with love & care.. Victor...

I crumpled the letter up in my hands and the tears began falling faster and harder. " Vic! Vic, baby! It's Kellin! Wake up! Wake up for me!", I screamed as I shook his limp body back and forth. I pressed my forehead up against his and gripped his shirt tightly. "Baby, I need you. Please don't leave me. Don't go. I'll kill myself too if you die on me", I whispered to him through sobs.

"Kellin, don't be stupid!", Matty said to me and yanked me up. "No one's going to die here! Grow a penis and man up! You've got to be strong for him until he wakes up. You have to be positive and keep hope alive!"

"What if he doesn't wake up?", I asked quietly, my eyes now stinging.

"He will! And he'll be better than ever! So shut up and wait for the paramedics to get here!"


Mike, Tony, Jaime, Matty & I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out and give us an update in how Vic was doing. My leg was shaking. I was a before wreck. Did Vic do this just because I had almost committed suicide? Or did he just want to because the pain that he was feeling was unbearable? Either way, it was my fault.. and I didn't know how to respond to that.

"Is there a Mr. K Quinn out here? ", a doctor finally came out and asked.

I quickly stood up. "I am he", I answered.

He walked over to me. "Mr. Fuentes wished to see you", he said. I nodded my head and he lead me off behind the double doors. The pointed down

the hallway. "Room 421", he said.

I quickly found the room and slowly opened it. I don't know why, but I was horrified. I was nervous and afraid. "Vic? You.. you wanted to see me?", I asked.

He nodded. "Come here", he said softly. I walked to his bedside.

"Closer", he ordered.

I inched closer. He patted the bed beside him. I sat down on it. He then grabbed my shoulder gently and pulled me down to where I was laying on his chest. No one said anything. We just laid there beside each other.. his arms wrapped around me and my arm resting on his chest.



A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now