All Because of You

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After we had been walking down the beach for a while, I stopped and turned Kellin to face me. "I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend much time together today babe. It's just that I spent all day trying to find you the perfect ring and hoping that you's accept the proposal and...", I began rambling.

He shut me up with a soft, gentle kiss on the lips. "It's ok baby. This...", he said looking down at his ring, "This is the most perfect gift I've ever received. Thank you Vic", he finished.

"Did you see the engraving on the inside?", I asked knowing he hadn't. He shook his head no and I slid the ring off of his finger so that he could see it.

"Kellic", he whispered. He looked at me with a massive grin on his face and jumped into my arms. "Kellin and Vic... Kellic", he repeated. That's the name that our fans called us when we performed together.

"This must've cost you a fortune", he said sincerely.

"So did this wonderful vacation that you've taken me on", I said as I brushed my nose against his.

"But you didn't have to...", he began.

"I know I didn't", I cut him off. "But I wanted to"

"You're amazing", he whispered to me.

"I know", I smiled as I my phone vibrated in my pocket. There were numerous texts from the guys that were congratulating us on our engagement.

"Want to head back to the house? We could do something special?", he suggested with a wink.

"Sure", I leaned over and bit his ear.

"Race ya!", he yelled as he took off.

"No fair! That's cheating!", I screamed behind him. But it was no use... I ran off behind him and still ended up at the house before he did.

"You cheated!", Kellin crossed his arms and pouted at me.

I grabbed his hand and whispered "How 'bout I make it up to you?", in a seductive tone.

We pushed through the door and ran up the stairs. I slammed Kellin down on the bed and began straddling him. I kissed his lips and worked my way down to his neck and then to his chest. He made little sounds and moaned in pleasure.

I pulled his tank top over his head and began unbuckling his belt. Then the phone rang.

"You don't have to answer it", he whispered

"It's Mike. It might be important", I said as I answered.

"Bro! You and Kellin just got engaged! Come celebrate with us!", he yelled over the loud music.

"Uhmmm", I said as I looked over to the waiting Kellin

"No excuse dude! We're gonna show you guys a good time! We're at Barg's Bar and Lounge. Come and we can all get wasted!", he said before he started talking to someone else on the other end and then hung up.

I slid my phone back into my pocket and tossed Kellin his shirt. "Look's like we're going out for the night", I shrugged as I said it.

He sat up and looked at me. "You've never really known how to say no have you?", he asked as he slipped the shirt over his head.

"I didn't really get a chance to say anything". I put my shoes on after Kellin put his on and, hand in hand, we began the short walk to the bar.

When we made it there, the guys looked as if they were already pretty tipsy. Jaime was on the dance floor dancing in between two attractive young ladies. Tony was break dancing in another corner of the bar. And Mike was growling at random people who passed him. Kellin and I went to the bar and we both started with the simple Sex on the Beach drink. Then, we drank Jack Daniels, Raspberry Vodka and a little Whiskey.

A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now