Heaven Is In His Eyes

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"What the hell, Jaime? What were you thinking? Oh, that's right. You weren't thinking at all!", I yelled at myself and slapped myself upside the head. I was walking back home after I had talked to Kellin and Vic once I kissed him.

I was in love with Vic. I couldn't help myself. What was I supposed to do? He was my best friend... and the love of my life. And I've ruined everything...

"Hime! Bro, wait up!", I heard Vic yell to me as he ran to catch up to me. I pretended like I didn't hear him and continued walking towards my house. He finally caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "Jaime.. dude.. I just.. I just want to talk", he told me as he tried to catch his breath.

"What's there to talk about Vic? Last time you tried to talk to me, it resulted in me making a very stupid decision that I'm going to regret for the rest of my life! I'm sorry and I'm not gonna do it again! It was wrong and it was a mistake!", I was babbling on and on and Vic calmed me down with a quick kiss on the cheek. I stopped and stared at him as he stared at me for a moment. "What... what was that for?", I asked him softly.

"To let you know that everything's okay...", he said as he began nervously playing with his hands and kicking rocks. 

"Okay? Why is everything okay...?", I asked in a confused way. "Everything isn't okay. I'm in love with a guy who's already in love with a guy and I'll never have a chance with him! That doesn't sound okay to me!", I began speaking angrily again.

"Jaime, calm down and let me talk for a second please. I.. I used to crush on you a while back before I found Kellin. I began having all of these romantic feelings towards you but I didn't say anything because one, I didn't know that you were gay, and two, I thought that it would ruin our friendship. And you're my best friend. I didn't want to lose you...", he trailed off.

Wow. Did Vic just say that he used to have feelings for me.. Whaaaat?? "Why didn't you tell me about any of this before now? That you're in love with me and whatnot..", Vic asked me.

"Same reasons as you", I simply stated. I was still in shock. So I did have a chance with Vic at one point? And I let it slip through my fingers? Impossible! "I didn't want to wreck anything between us". Vic nodded his head in understandment and then there was a long, awkward silence.

"You're a pretty good kisser ya know", Vic said with a half smile. I didn't know if he was serious or if he was just joking to break the awkward tension. I smiled and shook my head. "Well, I'm gonna go catch up with Kellin", Vic said as he turned around and began walking towards his house. "Talk to you later?"

"Of course bro", I told him. I watched him as he walked away. God, why couldn't I have him for myself?


"You okay?", I asked Kellin as I walked into the living room where he was sitting.

"Yeah. Everything's cool.. seriously...", he told me. I sat beside him on the couch and kissed the side of his face. 

"You know that the only one I want is you, right?", I asked him. He grinned.

"Yes, Victor. I'm aware", Kellin told me.

But the truth was that I wasn't even sure if Kellin was the only one that I wanted. Now that I knew that Jaime had feelings for me, my feelings for him were coming back in one humongous wave. It felt as if the weight of the world had come crashing down on my shoulders all at once. His lips.. oh God.. his lips were magical. And his eyes.. those beautiful brown eyes were heaven.. Wait, I shouldn't be thinking these things. Why am I thinking like this? You have a fiance, Vic. Think of him. But Jaime.. he was my first true love. He never knew that so it shouldn't even matter right now.. especially since you're planning on marrying someone else. Your feelings for Hime are long gone, Vic. Pull yourself together..

"Good. You mean the world to me".

"Touche", he laughed.

I sat beside him and in silence, we watched some show on Discovery channel. Actually, I wasn't really watching TV. My mind was still on Jaime and the kiss that he had planted on my lips earlier. I wanted to get up and march back over to Jaime's house and just snuggle my head into his broad shoulders and wide chest. I bet his body would provide me with the sweetest warmth...


"He said that?", I asked Jaime after he filled me in on the events of the day.

"Yep. I was shocked to but I swear he actually told me that he used to have feelings for me. This wasn't in my dreams either. I'm sure of it", he said. His face was a mixture between sadness and happiness. Sadness from letting Vic slip away and happiness because he actually got a confession from Vic that made his heart rejoice. 

"Dude, I'd totally love to see you and my brother together. Too bad he's with Kel", I said.

"Don't say 'too bad'. He's happy and that's all that matters. He'll never be mine now but...", he trailed off and sighed. "I dunno. I just want him to be happy and he is so that's the end of the story", he shrugged.

The room fell quiet. Tony and I exchanged looks and I could tell that he felt just as bad for Tony as I did. "Hime.. they're plenty of awesome guys out there.. I guess", Tony began but I could tell that he felt a bit uncomfortable talking about guys as boyfriends. "You'll get over him and you'll find someone who suits you better".

"I won't get over him! And I don't want any other guy! I went gay because I wanted Vic and Vic only!", Jaime exclaimed as he did a bunch of major hand gestures before resting his forehead in his hand. "Why does my life seem like a movie?.. Don't these things only happen in movies?", he asked as he looked back up at Tony and I and we just shrugged.

Just as we began talking again, Vic burst in through the door. "Sorry to interrupt guys", he laughed and rubbed his neck once he noticed that we were all hanging out and talking. "Why don't I ever get invited to chill with you guys anymore?", he asked as he came and sat on the couch beside me. 

"Speaking of the devil", Tony whispered.

"Huh?", Vic asked confused.

"Well.. I'm beat", Jaime said and stood up, stretched and yawned. He was obviously faking... "I'm going to bed".

As he began walking for towards the door, Vic stopped him in his tracks. "Hime? Please.. don't.. don't go. Can you just hang for a while longer?", Vic pleaded in the sweetest and softest voice.

Jaime looked at me and then at Tony and back to Vic. "Ummm... s-sure. I g-g-guess", he began stuttering. He walked back to his seat and sat down and began shaking his leg nervously as an incredibly awkward silence filled the room.

"Soooo... how're you and Kellin?", Tony asked Vic finally breaking the silence.

"Oh.. uh. He's good", Vic answered.

"I asked you how are the two of you... relationship wise", Tone specified.

"We're cool.. I guess", he said after quickly looking at Jaime. He began tugging on his lips.. a nervous habit he had always had.

Another awkward silence...

"Okay..  this shit isn't working for me. Vic.. Jaime.. you two are totally killing the vibe. We're all brothers here. Let's discuss the situation that's on everon's minds, shall we? Vic, you're aware that Hime is madly in love for you, right? He's been sobbing all day, wishing you were his.. hopping that there was a way for him to be with you. And Jaime, Vic told me a while back that he had fallen hard for you. He wanted you more than anything at the time, but Kellin managed to nab him first. In my opinion, I think that you two should surely be together. but hey... If it was meant to be then fate has a way of figuring things out", I exposed everything and sat there as if I had said nothing. Vic, Tony and Jaime all stared at me with their mouths opened wide. I popped a bubble with the gum I was chewing and proceeded to put my feet up on the coffee table and prop my arms up behind my head.

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A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now