Now's the Time

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"Vic... Vic... Vic... VICTOR!", Kellin yelled as he jumped up and down on the bed in an attempt to wake me up. I just buried my face further into the pillow.

The next thing I knew, I was soaking wet with water.. but I still didn't budge. "You're going to have to try harder than that", I told him as I shook the water from my hair and pulled the comforter further over my head.

"Viiiiiiiccccc", Kellin sat on my back and whined. "Get up, pleeeaaasseee", he begged.

I suddenly flipped him over and pinned him to the bed. I wiped the water from my body onto his and then flooded him with kisses. "Ewwww, get off of me you filthy Mexican!", he yelled as I tickled him.

"Filthy? Oh, am I now?", I said as I raised his shirt and began blowing into his belly. He was laughing and screaming uncontrollably. It was so adorable. I finally let him up and I went to clean myself. I put on my khaki cargo pants, a khaki and white stripped Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt, I dried and combed through my hair and put a White cap on it before slipping on my sandals.

"Wow.. You don't look half bad", Kellin teased as I stepped out of the bathroom. "Oh, and by the way, I like the shirt", he said with a wink, referring to his band's name that was plastered across my shirt.

I walked over to him and kissed him on the nose. "I've got something very important to do today with Mike. Will you be alright just hanging with Tony and Jaime for a bit?", I asked him.

"Viiiiic, noooo", he whinned. "I wanted to do something special with you today. And you don't plan to go and write songs or work on music do you? Because that was the point of this vacation, to get away from our careers", he said to me with sadness in his eyes and I almost began feeling sad, then I reminded myself why I was doing this.

"I know baby. And don't worry. I promise you that I won't be working on music. I give you my word", I said as I kissed him on the nose again. "And please believe me, we will do something special today", I said with a wink.

He put on a fake smile. "Can I at least come with you two? I won't be a bother, I swear. I just desperately want to spend some time with you", he said as he slammed his forehead into shoulder.

"No, you can't come babe. But I hope to not take all day. I want to spend more time with you too. I just, I have something important that needs to be done first. Please understand?", I asked in a pleading tone.

He lifted his head from my shoulder. "OK, fine. But what important business could you possibly have to handle right now? This is the second day of vacation and I just don't understand...", he began but I shut him up with a kiss. A long, passionate, hard kiss.

When he pulled away, he brushed the hair from my face and simply said 'ok' with a smile. I pulled on my jacket and gave him a hug. "Mike's waiting on me. I'd better get going", I said as I headed for the door. I turned and sent a final 'I love you' and he just nodded his head and shoved his hands in his pockets.

I headed from the front door and met Mike who was waiting for me downstairs. "He's so pissed that I'm leaving him right now. He took it harder than I thought", I told Mike once I reached him.

"Don't worry. He won't be too mad for long", he said with a grin.

We caught a bus over to a large mall. It was huge. Bigger than any one I've ever seen in the U.S. "Oy, We'll be here all day", I said once we walked inside. We went from Jewelry store to jewelry store in search for the perfect ring. By lunch time, we still had nothing. After eating in the food court, we decided to try one more store. Kellin must had been getting worried. I had 5 missed calls from him. I shot him a quick text back to let him know that I was ok and that I would be joining him soon.

A Vic Fuentes & Kellin Quinn Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن