Chapter 18

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Y/n  p.o.v


After I saw the letter I decide that there is no time to loose and I teleport the three of us back.

"Hey baby cuz did you guys find an-"  

"Tony took them. We have to go. Now."  TY looks at me with shock and nods his head. 

"So what is the plan."  At this points the brothers are coming into the room confused.

"We are going to their base. You are coming with me for backup and you will stay in the car unless I call for you."  TY looks pissed.

"Baby cuz after what happened between you and that asshole I am not going to let y-" TY started to get upset but I can't risk him getting hurt too.

"I will go in alone TY there is no argument to this. Joker base has a lot of security to many people would make everything much more risky. Enough with the argument we are wasting time."

"Y/n do you know where our brothers are...?"  Mammon and the others look worried.

"Yes I do. We are  going to go get them right now."  I can see a gleam of relief in the brothers eyes

"We are coming with you" They are begging and I can't say no.

"fine but you guys are waiting in the van with TY. Come on"

I grab a few things. Tony isn't the type of person you fight with guns. You have to do close range with him, it's his weakness. How do I know this, we dated for a bit but it turned out he was working for the Jokers in the end they kidnapped me and nearly killed me. TY ended up saving me.

In a while we end up a block away from the Jokers gang base. 

"Cuz I used my powers to look ahead at the area security is tight. Are you sure I can't go." They know I'm coming. They took the brothers as bait. Dammit.

"I will call if I need help TY I have a plan."   

"Do you really?"   TY gives me a questioning look. While the brothers seem restless in the back.

"I have a rough idea on what imma do. I will call you when I am on my way out." I jump out of the van and quietly make my way towards the base. I need to get one of the guards uniforms. They have one person in the opening of the base right now. easy target.

I quietly walk toward him and and grab him using my powers to make him pass out. It is somewhat like a sleeping spell. I teleport his clothes onto me since I am not taking off his clothes. I make little details so I would not be recognized.

I head up to where they keep their hostages. I know where it is since I have been there. I made my way there fairly quickly. There are a total of 2 Joker guys. I could get rid of the quietly. They both figure that I am a gang member witch helps me get close. I get close enough and i kick out of the guys legs causing him to fall and I hit his head into the wall causing him to fall. I other guy tries to run but I hit him with a jolt of electricity causing him to faint.

I look into the rooms. I do not bother with the others I see. It isn't my business. I look into one room that is very dark and I can't see much. As I am about to leave I see a familiar red glow. It is Lucifer's eyes. I grab one of the mans keycards to open the door. I go in and don't day anything I am just trying to find the light. I hear someone growl and talk with a slight stutter it sounds like they are in pain.

"If y-you are here to h-hurt my brothers I-I won't let you." Lucifer is in pain. I can tell

"Lucifer it's ok it's just me. I'm getting you all out of here. Now where is the light."  

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