Chapter 13

290 13 2

Y/N p.o.v


It has been a little over a month since the Belphie and Mammon situation. They are getting better. I can tell they aren't faking like I am.  I don't say it out loud but I'm proud of their progress. Since I am 5 months into my exchange next month I get to go to the human realm for the brawl. I am on my way to a meeting with Diavoldo to discuss plans.  

"Good morning y/n"  Barbatos greets as he opens the castle door.

"Hey Barbatos"    Barbatos leads me to Diavoldo's office

"Y/N. Glad you can make it. I was getting ready to set up the call with your cousin."   Diavoldo is always so bubbly. I wish I could be like that

"Ok call him so we can figure this out" TY answers the call on the third ring.

"Good morning Baby cuz and Diavoldo"   we all exchange greetings and figure out the plan for next month. It takes a long time to figure everything out.

4 hours later


"So. You and the all of the brothers will travel to the Human realm in one weeks time and spend all of next month there and return after."

"I got stuck babysitting the brothers and training my gang. It's going to be a long month." I am stuck as a baby sitter dammit.

"It shall be alright Y/N look on the bright side the brothers can see a new side of you. A protective side. Plus you can make telling them about your career like a game." 

"I guess. Can we get the brothers here now so I can get it over with"

"sure I will call Lucifer and tell them all to come over right now!"

20 minutes later


"Hello Lord Diavoldo"   all of the brothers walk into the common room where we are .

"Good afternoon everyone please sit down we all need to have a conversation. We are going to start with a game to guess what Y/N's job is and they will give you 3 hints. I will explain why we are figuring this out after the game." Diavoldo seems so invested.

"You seem so excited about this Diavoldo. Whatever hint 1: My job requires me to be a decent fighter. Hint 2: I need to be able to negotiate and think quickly.  Hint 3:  I have a group to turn to and that helps me with everything. Those are you hints put in you guesses"    I look around and most of the brothers seem clueless.

Everyone guesses police officer besides Lucifer and Satan. Satan thinks I am a hostage negotiator.

"Everyone is making very rational decisions and well jobs that require you to play by the rules and you don't do that at all. So I believe you might be a leader of a gang or something like that." All of his brothers laugh thinking it is a joke. They also think that is not possible.

"Wow Lucifer you are smart your the only one who got it right" I put a sly smirk on my face and all of the brothers look at me in shock.

"Wait. Wait. WAIT. you are the leader of a gang?!!"  Mammon and all of the other brothers are really shocked.

"Yes but we are not one of the bad ones. My gang is called Ace. We are are allies with the police. We bring in the worst gangs and get payed for it. We are one of the strongest gangs in California. We also get payed by other gangs for shelter from the police."  

"Wow. Didn't expect that from you y/n"  Everyone is so confused.

"Eh. The gang was passed on to me when my...It was passed on to me." 

"Wow... Wait how hard is doing paper work for a gang. You said TY didnt have the brain. To do it"  Lucifer being the prideful bitch he is.

"It was money wise."

"So your in debt like me!" Mammon your stupid

"Haha nope our gang currently has 100 trillion dollars in general."   All of the demons look shocked when they hear the big number.

"Anyways next week you all be leaving to the human realm for a month with y/n she has some important business to take care of. They have a few ground rules you all must know before you all leave."   Diavoldo gets the topic back on track for me. The brothers go silent awaiting for me to speak.

"Rule 1 : Travel lightly. I will buy you guys clothes and anything you need. Rule 2 : Don't mess with any gang members don't get them mad or try and seduce them *cough* asmo*cough*"   asmo starts to pout

"No fun y/n"   soo over dramatic

"They need to stay focused. Rule 3 :  Mention the gang to no strangers. Rule 4 : Try and stay out of trouble. Rule 5 : No stealing anything."  I glare at mammon as i say this to make sure he understands.

"Jeez ok ok"   he starts to pout too

"Rule 6:  Stay in your lane. No snooping. No getting involved with the gang. Got it?"  The brother's nod to show they get my point.

After that we all head back to the house of lamination.

We eat dinner and all go our separate ways to our rooms.

Y/n' s mind
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It is really dangerous for the brothers to be going. I dont know what i'll do if i cant protect them...

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