Chapter 29

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It's been a few days since my birthday. TY went home and everything is normal and things are good. I have been feeling a little happy at times. Mainly when I am with Luci. He makes me happy, and that kiss has been stuck in my mind for days. Should I tell him how I feel. Maybe I should ask someone for advice? Asmo I can talk to Asmo.

I walk to Asmo's room and knock on his door.

"Come in" I enter his room.

"Hey Asmo." Asmo turns around and greets with a hug.

"Y/N darling~ What brings you to my room?" I think for a moment on how to answer that. The first thing I do is shut the door.

"I need your advice Asmo." Asmo smirks and sits on his desk chair.

"Sit down and tell me what's up." I sit on his bed and look at him.

"Well I think I really like someone. But I don't know if I should tell him." Asmo smirks.

"It's Lucifer you like isn't it?" My eyes widen as I look at him.

"How did you know?" Asmo giggles.

"It's obvious. You act nicer around him. You have a little sparkle of joy in you eyes when your with him. Sometimes you even blush." I never realized these things before but he did.

"Lucky for you Lucifer seems oblivious." 

"What should I do?" Asmo seems to think for a moment.

"I think you should wait for awhile.  If he doesn't make the first move soon you can come back and ask for more advice." Asmo smiles.

"Thanks Asmo. I'm gonna go now." Asmo smiles and nods.

"Oki see you later Y/N~" I wave as I leave his room. 

What if Lucifer doesn't feel the same way? I think I should try and ignore the feeling. I hope it would just go away.

Lucifer's P.O.V

It's been a few days since Y/N's birthday. That kiss we shared has been replaying in my mind. I think my feelings for them are growing stronger. Every time I am around them I want to tell them how I feel. 

My watch beeps alerting me with the reminder of my meeting with Diavoldo. I head to the castle and I am let in by Barbatos. I walk to his office and knock on the door.

"Come in" i enter his office and I am greeted with a smile.

"Lucifer come in and sit down. I wanted to talk to you about how the exchange has been so far." I sit across from Lord Diavoldo.

"So talk to me about  Y/N and how things have been" I think about the kiss by the mention of their name.

"Things with Y/N have been great Lord Diavoldo." I try to keep my composure while thinking of them. Lord Diavoldo sees throughs this.

"Is everything alright lucifer? You seem distracted." I need advice for once. I should ask him.

"Well I do need to ask you for advice on something."  

"What is it Lucifer?" I sigh deeply and gather my thoughts.

"I believe I have romantic feelings toward Y/N."  Diavoldo smirks.

"I figured as much Lucifer. Your act different around them. You seem kinder."  The thought my feelings are able to be seen worries me. Does Y/N know how I feel?

"You should tell them. Anyways it is getting late you should go home." I nod and say my goodbyes to Diavoldo and Barbatos.

I wonder, is Diavoldo right? Maybe I should tell them how I feel. I enter the house of lamination and head to my office. I need to do some more work.


Everyone is sitting down and eating except Lucifer. Where is he? I should ask.

"Hey where's Lucifer?" 

"He's in his office doing work." Satan responds.

"Aww do you miss him Y/N~" Asmo smirks

"No I don't shut up."  We finish dinner with the brothers carrying on a random conversation. Lucifer shouldn't skip a meal, he needs to eat. I should take him some food. As the other brothers leave the room it is Asmo and I left. He is on kitchen duty so he needs to clean the dishes.

"I'll help you take these to the sink Asmo." I start to pick up some dishes.

"Thank you Y/N. Sooo~ have you talked to Lucifer at all?" We walk to the sink and start putting dishes in.

"Nope that reminds me I am going to take lucifer some food." I grab a clean plate and put some food on and put in in the microwave to warm up.

"He doesn't like to be bothered as he works Y/N." I take the food out when the microwave beeps and grab some eating utensils for Lucifer.

"I don't care Asmo." I leave Asmo alone in the kitchen as I head to Lucifer's office. I reach his office and knock with my free hand.

"come in" I open the door.

"Y/N what did you need." Lucifer's hair is messy and his glasses are a little slid off.  He must have been having a rough day, 

"I brought you some food." I set the food down on a table that is next to his desk. 

"I am too busy for food right now. Take it back to the kitchen please." I glare at him.

"I don't care how busy you are you need to eat." Lucifer glances at me he stands and walks over to me.

"I am not going to ask again." I quickly shoot back a response.

"Just eat the food. I don't think Diavoldo would like to hear that you are putting your heath second to work." 

"Tsk fine." Lucifer grabbed the plate and took it to his desk.

"Thank you. I'll be going now Luci." I gave him a small smile before walking out.

I head to my room and lay on my bed. He looked so cute. I want to be with him I think. Relationships kind of scare me but Lucifer seems like someone I can trust.

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