Chapter 9

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y/n pov


whoever shoved me must want to die. I start to get up once I do someone grabs my arms and holds me upright. Their grip is tight I will see what they want first then I would fight.

I look up at who the hell grabbed me, turns out there are 9 demons. Some of which were staring at me in music class.

"Who are you guys oh and let me the fuck go before I kick you asses."   They better take my warning before things get messy.

"Shut up you weak ass human"  This random girl demon screams. They don't know about my strength.

"The demon brothers don't care about you the probably wish you drop dead. Poor them they have to babysit your weak ass"   I don't give a shit if they care they will leave eventually. I am not going to give them the satisfaction of hearing me talk. They aren't worth it.

"Look at that little bitch went quiet.  What's the matter. Scared"  Fuck this. I don't know who they are and I don't care. But I can make money off them.

"The day I'm scared of some lowly demons like you guys Is the day I die"  I'm going to beat their asses regardless might as well taunt them a bit.

"Fucking bitch"  A demon punches my face which cause a split lip which is now bleeding but I can't help but to smile at their sad attempts.

"I am going to wipe that smirk off you face" Another demons screams while running toward me. He is gathering power in his hand looks Before he could hit me with the fire ball i jump up and kick him back with my legs. The demon holding onto me loosens his grip when I jumped. I throw my head back cracking his jaw. Once I'm out of the demons grip I swiftly move the opposite side of the hallway. Two down seven to go. Two demons run at me both gathering their power. I quickly slide out from between them to escape getting hit. I still don't have my powers activated. I decide to activate 10% of my power because these demons are not worth anymore.  At this point my eyes are glowing and my abilities are activated. The demons look at me in shock. They didn't expect this. They all surround me in a circle which is exactly what I wanted. I throw my arms over my head shaping them like an 'x' . I quickly bring my arms down to my side. When this happens the demons fly no more than 5 feet back that. They do not fly back far like this but there was an electrical current which was sent through their bodies. It is similar to a tazer.

"Now Now it would be a shame if Lord Diavoldo found out that you tried to attack his exchange student. I mean he might just throw you into his dungeon or maybe kill you" I taunt the confused demons.

"But i suppose there is a way I won't tell him anything" Once they realize how much trouble they could get into they look at me in fear.

"We will do anything just don't tell Diavoldo!"  I suspect at this point this random bitch is the leader.

"I want 5000 Grimm a month from each of you. You will be paying to stay silent. DO we have a deal?"  The demons looks like they are deep in thought.


"Good now don't fuck with me again I am out of here"  I walk away and go to the bathroom.

I can't let lucifer see the busted lip. I can't heal myself either. My powers have one positive and one negative aspect to them. For my healing powers I can heal others but not myself. I hate needing help so I try not to get injured. But I let it happen this time. dammit.

"that demon was right they don't care about you. They probably want you dead. Just do it"

This stupid little voice never shuts up. I need it to. If it doesn't soon I might start to believe it again...


A/N  Hey guys. I want to thank everyone who reads this. I only started to write this based off a dream I had. Also my friend convinced me to start writing it so I still am. Anyways thank you guys.

till next time~

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