B r e a k h e r

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"Where are we going?"

You smiled. His hair was falling over his head, And his pale face lit up by the rose of his cheek and nose.

"I dont care, Anywhere really."

"Okay. I'd like that."

It snowed more to the point were they could barely see eachother. She panicked.

Until she felt his warm hand grip hers tightly.

The snow finally cleared up, And she could see the beautiful illuminating Christmas lights. They bounced all around the town.

Draco could see her in a fluorescent light.

Her eyes twinkled and sparkled.

She's utterly ridiculous. Besides, Pansy's hot and a slytherin. She'll be by my knees at my call. Simple, While she's dating that prat, Cedric Diggory.

She's so innocent, Honestly I slept with her one that means fucking nothing.

He dropped her hand harshly.

"Everything alright?"

You asked.

"I'm fucking fine, Why are you always asking dumb fucking questions?!"

He snarled and huffed.

"Right, Sorry.."

She awkwardly stood by the lights, Not knowing what to do entirely.

He looked around, Feeling stupid. Why the fuck did he just snap at her like that?

He then spotted Cedric, Right outside of Hogsmeade.

Kissing another girl.

What a slut. Slytherin aswell.

He felt riddled with guilt, Looking down at the innocent angel before him.

You were about to turn around when Draco stopped you.

It pained him, This could be his chance.

He put a strong firm two hands on her shoulder so he could hold her in that place.

He swallowed sharply.

Then her phone viberated.

"What the hell is that?"

His eyebrows furrowed.

"Just a stupid muggle invention, As you would put it."

She smiled, Shaking her head.

He removed the hand from her shoulder and took it, Furious as it did nothing by its violent shaking.

"Your right hope, Stupid."

He handed it back to her who was chuckling.

"Thats not how you use it, Silly."


He raised an eyebrow as she tapped and swiped.

"You can contact people through it, Without howlers and owls. And you can play games and all sorts."

She smiled, Showing him.

She answered Cedrics message.

Draco rolled his eyes and read.

She scoffed, "That's weird, Cedric's sick."

It took everything for him not to tell her, But it would break her if he did.

"We had plans..."

She mumbled.

Draco turned around to see the two giggling and embracing, Knowing thats what he wanted with her.

But that's weak.

Because all she is, Is Potter's sister.

And to him,

He didn't know it but...

That was all he needed.

Just for how long would he have the chance to take it?



Potter's Sister, That's All You Are.Where stories live. Discover now