P o t t e r s s i s t e r

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Cedric Died.
Luna Died.
Lavender Died.
Fred Died.
Harry won the Triwizard competition.
Draco loved you.
Draco proposed to you.
You loved Draco.
Harry loved Ginny.
Hermione loved ron.
We all loved Hogwarts.
War struck.
Harry ran.
You cried.
Draco comforted you.
You comforted draco.
Draco joined the dark side.
Draco cried.
You didnt comfort Draco.
You felt betrayed.
You threw your ring.
Draco kept his.
You hurt but you still loved him.
You find him.
He was playing with his ring and scratching his dark mark, Making it bleed, Screaming, 'GET OFF, GET OFF!'
You helped him.
You made up.
You found a note in his pocket.
The one he wrote when he first met you.

Draco, What is happening between you and Eleanor?! I see the way she looks at you.

Nothing. Shes just Potters sister, Thats all she is to me. Now shut the fuck up you slut. I hate you and i hate her.

You and him laughed at how far you had come.
You heard a noise.
You ran and hid behind a pile of rubble.
You pulled out your wand at the ready.

'Draco, Hurry! What are you doing?'
You screamed at him, Whispering though.
He didnt come to you.
He threw the note to you.
A bunch of death eaters come flying in.
They scream traitor.
They raise there wands, And so does Draco.
I try to run and save him, But the material caught my jumper.
Draco was to late.
The blonde Icy boy who you had hated, Despised, Fell in love with you.
And you fell back.
But now he was on the floor.
Peacefully shutting his eyes.
Letting go of any light there was left.
He became pale.
And cold.
You ran and ran.
You screamed.
You remembered all the things he and you did.
The way you made him smile when no one else could.
You would never see that again.
You would never hear of his snarky comments.
You would never feel his warm hands wrapped around your hips.
You would never see his eye roll.
You would never laugh.
You would never cry.
You would never hear.
You wouldnt be anything.
He made you something.

And that something, Was gone.

Potter's Sister, That's All You Are.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora