Nothing to me.

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"Cedric, What are you doing? The Triwizard competition is incredibly dangerous!"

"No need to worry about me, I promise."

He smiled at you softly.

"I don't even know if I'll be picked yet!"

You looked down at the floor, You did care about Cedric.

He lifted your chin so you were facing him.

"I promise you. I've always had a competitive streak, My brother was in this position, He told me all about it, I've been studying Dragon's and other things about the Triwizard competiton since first Year."

"And... Have you got an answer yet?"

You didn't know what he was talking about at first.

"Oh! Right, About going out..."


"Im not sure yet, Sorry Cedric."

"It's fine..."

His smile faltered. You could tell he was upset.

"No, No it's not Cedric... You deserve an answer, I will have one by the end of the day, I promise!"

He nodded.

Pansy was making lovey dovey eyes at Draco.

Ugh, What does Draco see in that nuisance?!

He finished talking to Blaise and then walked away.

You followed him.

"Draco! DRACO!"

You ran after him.

You grabbed his hand trying to pull him back.


He pulled away.

You were a bit shocked, Why the fuck was he being so... Draco?!

"I was just going to ask what's happening between us?"

You were timid. He was really tall and angry, You didn't want to get the wrong idea, It's not liked you wanted anything more.

"Your nothing to me. We slept together once. Get over it."

He had a calm tone and rolled his eyes.

He walked away.

You felt tears prick your eyes.

Guess I have my answer for Cedric now.


OMG Im so sorry this is so short and took so long like ive been quite busy so sorry! 💕💕💕💕❤❤❤

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