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You sat with Hermione, You guys became a lot more closer.

"Do you know what it's like to be inlove, HG Smartie?"

That was her nickname that me and Harry made up. It was incredibly weird, And no catch to it, But it was better then Basic 'Mione.'

She looked at Ron, "Yeah, Once."

"What does it feel like?"

"Kind of like your glowing, And it's a mix of complete happiness and at the same time..."


Kind of like you'd die for them, Or thinking about them all the time, Or craving their touch, Those sort of things."

"But love is different for everyone ofcourse!"


You saw Draco with Pansy, Yet again.

It hurt almost, Why did he want that with Pansy and not her?

"Well, I think Cedric's waiting to take  you into detention."

She pointed at Cedric, Draco must have been looking at you and Hermione, As Draco looked over to Cedric.

You were done with Draco's games, If he was going to make him and Pansy so obvious, Why not make him a little jealous aswell?

You ran up to Cedric and kissed him, He kissed you back, He pulled you in and you started to moan in his mouth a little.

You opened your eyes to see Malfoy staring right at you, He was fuming.

The whole school started to cheer and whistle.

Hermione even laughed, Of course, Except from Pansy, Draco, And of course Harry.

You pulled away from Cedric who just stared at you.

"Uh, I think it's time for you to go to Detention."

He was shocked, Cedric was so innocent.

He wasn't as rough as Draco, Or as good.

But you were with Cedric.

And then you remembered, Draco's in detention as well.




Potter's Sister, That's All You Are.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz