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You wake up, But you don't see Draco.

Maybe that's all you were, A one night stand?

But what about all those things he said about you?

You grabbed the quidditch clothes and left, It was 7AM so no one would be awake, So no one would suspect anything.
Although surely someone would realise you didn't come back?

You whispered the password to the common room and entered, You stood on your tip toes and entered the girls dormitory.

You quitely slid out of Draco's quidditch uniform and put it in the wash,  It was the least you could do.

You then got into your own pyjamas and slept.

"Wake up."

Cedric was hovering over you.


You rubbed your eyes, You were confused as to why he woke you up.

"Listen, I'm sorry... For well, Kissing you yesterday."

He said, Looking straight at you.

You smiled, "It's all right, I'm sorry for making a scene."

He laughed.

"Can I take you out sometime?"

You were a bit shocked, And with what happened with Malfoy yesterday... You didn't know what to say.

"I'll think about it."

He nodded and I got up.

"Where are we going?"

"Dumbledore is making an announcement."

"Oh, Okay."

Me and Cedric walked to the great hall, I had my yellow long sleeved top on with black trousers and white trainers.

It was the only thing you could really find, You were still half asleep.

You saw Draco at the Slytherin table, He was wearing full black, His blonde hair falling where it pleases.

He looked at you, Pansy looked over aswell.

You could see they were holding hands.


You quickly looked away, Before Dumbledore cleared his throat.

Everyone was curious as to what was happening now.

"The  Triwizard Tournament… well, some of you will not know what this tournament involves, so I hope those who do know will forgive me for giving a short explanation, and allow their attention to wander freely."

You hated things that people can get hurt in, Or just deadly things really.

"Thank you, And I ask now that you go to enter your name, If you please."

You catch up with Draco, You tapped him on his shoulder and he stared at you.


He said through gritted teeth.

You just handed him his robes.

He snatched them and left.

Bipolar Bastard.

Whatever, Honestly you slept with him once, You loved it, But you couldn't become attached. But you did feel something when you kissed Cedric. Not like what you have ever felt for Draco, But it was still a nice feeling.

You walked with Harry to the cup.

To find with horror, Cedric was putting his name in the cup.

Potter's Sister, That's All You Are.Where stories live. Discover now