D e t e n t i o n

587 13 5

"Miss Potter, Mr Malfoy, Take a seat..."

He gestured towards the table.

We exchanged eachother a look, We didn't want to sit next to eachother.

I sat down and looked around rubbing my neck, Feeling a little awkward.

Draco fiddled with his Rings, Before taking and apple out.

"I shall leave you too, I have to go talk to Professor Dumbledore."

"Be quiet."

Snape said.

Draco ate his apple, His white teeth ripping it in half, No strength needed.

How the?

He looked at you, And you felt yourself getting hot with embarrassment.

He got up and started to write on the board.

The fuck is Malfoy doing NOW?

He pretended to be Dumbledore and wrote an explicit message to Snape.

Severus, Last nights love making was brutal, I can still feel the tingles of you inside me, Meet me at my office at 11PM.

Yours Truly, Dumbledore.

Draco sat back down next to you, You sniggered, Then Draco started to smile, And you both burst out laughing in tears.

You looked at him. He was still laughing.

He stared into your eyes, And you moved closer to where he sat, You and him leaned in, About to kiss when-

"What are you do- Dumbledore??? I have to go."

He got rid of the note and off he ran.

Draco moved closer again.

"No, I wont... It's not okay Draco, You have been IGNORING me and... Cedric and Pansy.. And-"

"I try to avoid my feelings... But with you I can be open, Be who I am..."

"Well who are you Draco?"

You smiled.

"I'll never tell you."

He smirked.

Then the bell went.

End of detention.


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