N o t e

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You cried over his body. You lied down hoping to feel his chest move. Just a bit.
Then the note.
You scrambled up and opened it.
It said the exact same thing.
Between pansy and Draco.
But this time Draco added something.

I was a naive young boy who didnt know how to cope with emotions.
I wanted to be powerful, And i wouldnt let any girl knock me down.
That was, Until i met her.
I instantly had a hatred for her, Because i was so stunned by her beauty.
Her ability to make everyone smile.
Everything about her.
But she was a Hufflepuff, I had never felt anything and i was in deny of human feelings.
And now im going to get married to this 'Potters Sister.'
Hope. My hope.
Were going to live in a small house.
And were going to have 3 kids. All named after slytherins because im incredibly cocky.
But she..
She would name them after princesses and Kings and colours.
I would work all day.
While she would work making muggle inventions.
She always loved them.
Id fantasise about coming home to our children. With her dark luxurious curls, And my piercing grey eyes. And then i would tell them what i did at work. And teach them everything they want to know.
While we took walks in the forest with them.

Because i love you.

Im so inlove with you.

And im never going to leave you.

-To Potters sister

You held it so close to your heart. It was the only thing you had left of him.

You never took that ring off.

Potter's Sister, That's All You Are.Where stories live. Discover now