D i r t y

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"Malfoys probably waiting for me Harry. But be safe okay? I love you."

Harry nodded, He still didnt support me and Malfoy, But he sure did support me and my happiness.

"Oh and Harry! Before i go.. Here."

You pass him a cookie.

"Thanks Elle. I love you too."

You hugged him and left.

Whilst walking down the stairs to get back to the stands, You felt a grip on your shoulder.

"Malfoy, Huh?"

It was that boy from earlier, What did he want?

He started to dig his fingers into your shoulders.

"Ow, Let go, Your hurting me!"

You pushed his arm off.

"Who are you?!"

"Didn't know you would move on so quickly."

You gasped.

It was Cedric. He looked completely different. He must have died his hair and got surgery.


"Your right, Slut."

"Did you know I was cheating on you the whole time?"

He said stepping closer.

You stumbled back a bit.

"Cedric, Dont."

"Malfoy is over there. In the stands."

You pointed shaking.

"I dont care."

He growled, Grabbing your mouth and  pulling you back.

You let out muffled screams into his hand as he drags you around the back of the tent.

He pushes you to the floor and pulls you in and kisses you.

You tried to fight and pull away but he had his arms on you.

His hands stabbed into your body at every touch, He put his hands up your shirt as you cried out.

But no one could hear you over the music, The challenge was going to commence any second.

You could only see Draco, Alone. He seemed angry and sad, And worried. You must have been gone for 30 minutes.

You closed your eyes and threw your ring.

He would have seen it. He knew it was yours because you practically lived together now.

He then started to undress you and take your top off.

Only your top.

Then he just left you there, Feeling exposed and cold, And used and dirty and worthless.

You didnt move.

And then he hopped back up the stairs and picked his dragon, And the game commenced.

It was maybe 10 minutes of you tugging your hair and crying that Draco found you.

"Hey, Hey! Baby what happened?"

Draco grabbed your clothes and started to dress you.

He then pulled you in and took you to his dorm.

"But the game-"

You said shakily as you got in the slytherin common room.

"It doesn't matter, Love."

He ran you a warm bath and left you alone.

He paced back and forth until you came back out.

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