L u p i n

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He smiled, Not in a sarcastic way, Not in a mean way, Not a smirk.

In a genuine way.

"I'll go get Scarface, Hm? He'll probably want to know about this."

You nodded.

Draco noticed you werent moving.

"Draco I cant go back to class..."


"I have class with Cedric."

Draco sighed and nodded.

"Im sorry, Hope. This shouldn't have happened to you."

Draco was debating whether to tell her that Cedric cheated on her with a random slut. From Slytherin I presume from the skirt.

She was so sweet, Fragile.

No one would ever hurt her again.

So he didnt tell her, With everything going on I dont want more of this to be toppled onto her.

"Listen, Im going to go tell Professor Lupin what happened and that you will still be taking his classes, But at different times."


"You can wait outside the door, Okay?"

"Yeah, Im fine with that." She said rubbing her arm, The burns were scabbing.

Draco looked down and saw it.

"He fucking burnt you?!"

Draco shouted a little.

"Not necessarily, He kinda kicked me towards it..."

You said in a small voice.

"Why didn't you get these fucking treated?!"

He didnt even care you didnt tell him.

"I didnt want to admit it! I didn't want to admit he hurt me!"

A tear rolled down your cheek.

"Were going to Lupin and then madam Pomfrey, We'll take this one step at a time."

He swallowed.


He smiled, He didnt like being vulnerable in front of everyone. Always push everyone away, So he didn't get hurt.

He definitely didnt want to be vulnerable infront of her, Because he cared what she thinks about him.


They arrived to Lupin's class finally, You didnt realise how far you ran.

It was a part of the castle that you had never seen before.

You remembered that Cedric sat at the  back of the class, You sat a row infront of him.

Draco kissed your head before Draco entered.

He didn't even knock.

"And that's how yo- Mr. Malfoy... You dont have me today."

Lupin said.

"Yeah, I know I just wanted to talk to you quickly."

Draco walked to the front of the class, Not before shooting Cedric a deadly glare.

"Everyone, Do some written work please, I will be with you guys in a noment."

Shouted Lupin, Silencing the class.

"Yes, Mr Malfoy?" Whispered Lupin.

"Hop- Eleanor is dropping out of this class, And will take it at the same time as me."

Draco explained, Like he was in charge.

"And why should I consider that?"

"Because of that prat, Cedric."

"Language, Draco!"

"He abused her, Sir."

Draco whispered shouted.

"Do you uh- Do you know where Miss Potter is?"

Lupin was very hushed.

Draco nodded and took him out of the classroom beside the door.

"Miss Potter, Is what Mr Malfoy told me true?"

Lupin asked.

You nodded.

Draco stood beside you, Putting a comforting hand on your waist.

"Last night.. "

Your voice shook.

"Mhh, Okay... Would you feel comfortable talking with Cedric here?"

You started to breathe heavier.

And started to sweat a little.

Draco squeezed you a little. Letting you know he was there.

"Remember, We can do this. Together."

You took a sharp breath in.


Cedric came out of the classroom.

He was fuming when he saw Draco's hand on your waist.

"What is your hand doing on my girlfriend's waist?!"

He shouted running forwards to me and Malfoy.

Lupin stopped him just in time.

You didnt know what to do. You fell to the floor and hid yourself in your legs.

"Hope, HOPE! It's okay Lupin has restrained that beast!"

Draco sat down with you as you rocked back and forth.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

You repeated, Pulling your hair.

Cedric just looked down at you, Not caring what he did to you.

Lupin held Cedric back. "Contain yourself, Boy!"

Lupin shouted.


Cedric screamed.

"Im sorry.. I'm sorry... I'm sorry!"

You screamed into Draco's chest, Punching his chest, You let everything out.


You let out a blood curdling scream and Draco rested his chin on your head.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, He was worried about you.

"I know love, I know, I know..."

Draco comforted you while you kept on hitting and punching.

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