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You walked in with Hermione and Harry and Ron.
"Don't sweat it. You'll be a Gryffindor."
You weren't nervous about the sorting hat. You just didn't fit in, The great hall was grand and lit by torches and it was so proper, you just couldn't help but feel out of place.

'Potter, Eleanor.'

The sorting hat beckoned you to come forward, You scurried towards it as quickly as you could, you were feeling tense from everyone watching you.

'Cunning and witty, You would do great in Slytherin... Yet you have the bravery and chivalry of a Griffindor...'


You crossed your fingers, Hoping.

"You have the intelligence of a Ravenclaw... You would benefit from all the houses, But you stand with one the most... Better be... '

You squeezed your eyes shut in aspiration. You wanted Gryffindor with all your heart.


There was silence. So silence that you could hear the light drizzle of the rain outside.
Then there was cheering, Roaring and whistling.

You walked towards the Hufflepuff table.

Then you saw him.


You smiled and didn't realise how desperately you wanted him again.

He gave you a icy glare, Almost tearing you in half.


"Im Cedric."

You turned to see a boy, With a welcoming smile.

"Im Eleanor."

Dumbledore rose from his seat, I zoned out for a while.

My attention snapped back when I heard him finish the speech,"Welcome To Hogwarts.'

It was all quite confusing, until everyone started getting up from the tables and making there the way to the common rooms, so like a lost sheep you followed on.

You were stunned by moving and talking paintings on the wall, You smiled in astonishment.

This was crazy.

Cedric said,

"Right so this is where we will be sleeping, Obviously not on the floor..."

"The girls are to the left, Guys on the right. This is where we gather, or whatever... Oh! And your stuff has already been delivered"

The main area of the common room was beautiful, The walls were a calming honey colour, With a single strip of black at the bottom.

The stairs were black aswell, It was so perfect.

Then there was a big bookshelf by the mini kitchen, With 2 Ovens and lots of storage space for everything.

Everything looked so perfectly placed, You ran your fingers along the stairs, It smelt of Chocolate Orange and Cinnamon in there, It was such a inviting place.

You opened the door to the girls bedroom, There was a smoke coming from inside.

6 Girls were smoking Pot. "Hey, What's up?"

It was a disgusting smell.

You sputtered on the smoke, "Nothing... Really."

The girls didn't care, they were too high to understand anyway.

The girl nodded and then said,

"Want some?"

She wasn't even looking at me, She was looking at the ceiling.

'Yeah, Try it, Go on...'

The 5 other girls joined in.

"I- Sorry I just don't really like drugs..."

'Aww! C'mon we can all be really good friends!"

'Yeah, Totally!...'

The other girls joined in.

You raised your voice a little, "I don't want to I'm sorry, I hope we we can still be friends."

They looked at you. They rolled there eyes and one of them said,

" we don't want to be your friend if you don't smoke. So I suggest if you want to actually have friends here, then take the weed."

You felt as if you had no choice, it was just a little weed, right?

You took it, It was disgusting! It made your throat clog up and made you feel dizzy.

They exclaimed, You were 100%
Sure this is what friends do.

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