P o t t e r

478 13 11

Draco murmured something about Cedric being transferred to another school while walking you to Madam Pomfrey's.

"Don't expect me to be nice to you all the time, Hope."

Draco drawled out his words.

"Wasnt counting on it."

You smiled up at him as he laughed and looked down at you.

You arrive at madam Pomfrey's after what seemed in a matter of seconds.

Time went by so fast when you spoke to Draco.

"Where are you planning to go for the holidays?"

He asked.

"Well I was going to go with Cedric and his Father.. But now plans have changed, I guess."

He nodded, And pulled you tighter to him by the waist.

"But im now probably going to stay with Harry with the Weasleys."

You were glad things didnt work out with you and Cedric. You had always liked Draco, But you didn't realise how much.

You needed to end it soon with him anyway.

But you just wished it didnt end like this.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Potter... Remus told me you would be coming."

"My condolences, Im so sorry what happened to you Eleanor..."

Madam Pomfrey trailed off.

Draco nuzzled his nose into your head.

Madam Pomfrey picked up your arm to inspect the burn marks.

"Nothing a little cream wont do..."

She rubbed some soothing cream on it and then stitched up some of your face.

It was hours you were there but Draco was there for all of it, Sitting in silence.

"Now, We wouldn't normally allow this, But in light of your situation... As the slytherin common room is closer to the Hufflepuffs, And we dont think that you should be alone during this time, So we shall let you stay in Mr Malfoys room. No funny business."

Madam Pomfrey raised her eyebrows.

"Now I need not remind you but we almost weren't going to allow it. We had a big meeting about it, Me, Snape and Filch voted against it.. The rest voted for it."

You nodded quickly, And Madam Pomfrey probably noticed Draco staring at your chest and smirking.

Harry burst in and ran to you and gave you the tightest hug in your whole life.

"Holy crap! Are you okay?! I was trying to look for Cedric everywhere so I could beat the shit out of him!"

Harry Panted.

"Im alright Harry, Thank you so much but you really didnt have to come rushing."

You smiled laughing, Still hugging him. You missed your brother. He was alway occupied. You missed the way he smelt of freshly cut Grass and Pumkins.

"Where are you staying? Like as in dorms?"

Harry asked.


Malfoy gritted through teeth.

Harry's face dropped.

"Fine, If that's what you want, El."

Harry sighed.


He shouted to him.

Draco raised an eyebrow, Bored of this nuisance already.

"Keep your hands off of my sister!"

Harry shouted.

Malfoy said nothing and grabbed your hand, Taking you with him back to the dorm.

Potter's Sister, That's All You Are.Where stories live. Discover now