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You winced in pain while touching your bruised face. You kept on convincing yourself that it was your fault that Cedric did this to you. That you were a Bad Girlfriend.

I shouldn't have been hanging around with Malfoy.

Maybe you just weren't good enough. You weren't for Malfoy, so it won't be different with Cedric.

You didn't know what hurts more the fact that you trusted Cedric or the fact that you would have to stop hanging out with Draco...

You picked up the concealer and foundation and started to get to work.

After a few hours your face looked somewhat normal. But you couldn't conceal your patchy skin from the burns on your arms.

You left the bathroom and put on your robes and hoped for a chance it would make you disappear forever.

Cedric was sitting on the couch in the main common room...


He looked up at you and smiled, He looked drunk.

He stumbled up, And started walking towards you, took a few steps back, The day hadn't even started and he was drunk.

"Heyyy, Baby." He laughed and slurred his words.

You started to sob a little, You were so scared.

"Please, Please Cedric put the bottle down."

You whispered.

He got very close to you, You could smell his strong breath of alcohol.

He was angry.


He shouted, Spiting in your face.

"Im sorry!"

You cried.


He barked.

"I am, Please don't hurt me!"

"Say you love me then."

Cedric snarled.


You know you didnt love him. Not at all, He ruined everything you had.


He screamed.

"I love you."

You whisper.

He violently grabbed your face by your chin and made you look at him.

"Good, Now go. You look a mess."

He said in a calm tone, Dropping your face.

You ran out.

You cried and cried whilst running.

You didnt want to go back to your room.

Cedric was there.

You would just have to start the day and take it as it comes.

Whilst you were waking you got into such a state you found it hard to breathe. Your legs started to give way and you felt faint.

You slumped down onto a wall and just sat there with your head buried in your knees.

You loudly sobbed.

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle came down the corridor trying to investigate the noise.

Draco immediately started to run when he saw you in the state you were.

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