M i n t

492 15 9

You were sure Draco was going to leave you like the last time.

But instead he stayed.

You layed on top of him, His hands were on your back whilst your head was nuzzled underneath his neck.

You felt calm.

You hadn't felt that in 2 days.

You didn't sleep, You didnt eat.

Sometimes you forgot how to breathe.

But laying there on his stomach, Feeling his chest move up and back down again.

His breath smelt like mint, He always liked to chew gum.

He said it was to get rid of the nerves of everything.

He was very secretive, Yet he would open up to you a lot more then others.

Like how he's scared to open letters, Incase its from his father.

And when he's upset or mad he ignores you or pushes you away, And then he goes into a guilty spiral.

And also he has his shower temperature on 4C°, He likes cold things a lot.

He never eats dessert except if its a special event.

His features were so pale that he looks like a ghost. And he's a eery guy, So that kinda suits.

But when you looked up at him all you could feel was butterflies.

Shortly after you fell asleep.


In the morning you were still on Draco's chest.

But this time he was awake and reading his book.

"Look who's awake."

He smiled down looking at you.

"What time is it?"

"Almost nine, Hope."

"Oh shit, I need to go!"

You jumped up, You didnt even care that you were in some of Draco's clothes.

"Hey! Hey!"

Draco jumped up aswell.

"Where are you going?"

You chewed your lip a bit.

"I need to meet... Hermione."

"That Mudblood?"

"Dont call her that, Draco."

"Fine okay, Ill see you later."

He kissed your forehead.

You smiled and hugged him, Smelling his scent one last time.

You ran down to the great hall.

Harry asked you maybe a week ago when you were on the way to buy a new wand.

"Hey! Eleanor, Can I borrow you for a second?"

"Yeah, Sure."

He was talking about things like we weren't learning how to do proper spells and prottecting ourselves from Voldemort.

With everything going on with the Triwizard competition D.A. was just another thing to be stressed about, It was coming up very soon.

And now that Cedric was gone there were an equal amount of competitors.

But you didnt want to be rude, So you decided you would go to these meetings. And anyway, You weren't great with spells anyway.

Draco couldn't find out about this because he was a part of umbitches group of dimwitts.

Except Draco, He wasn't a dimwitt.

I mean, She couldn't call her own boyfriend-

Wait, What are We? To eachother?

She thought.

"Your here, Just on time."

Harry smiled, Hugging you.

"Yeah! I'm glad!"

You smiled.

Today you worked on conjuring your patronus.

It took you a while, But yours was a cute black and white cat.


Harry patted you on the back.

"What memory did you think of?"

You coughed.

You thought of when Draco comforted you in the hall, and the way you felt in that moment.

The way he held you telling you it would be okay.

"Uh, When I first arrived here."

"Makes sense. " Harry chuckled.

When the meeting was over you went back to your and Draco's Dorm. You couldn't help but smile, you could actually admit it was your and his dorm now.

When you got in he was sorting out his Inquisitor badge.

He was really happy to be chosen for once.

"I didn't know you were a poser, Malfoy."

You laughed.

"Im not."

He cleared his throat, Clearly embarrassed.

You kissed him on the lips, Before slumping onto the bed.

"How was it with Hermione?"


You sat up, Confused.

"You were hanging out with Hermione, Remember?"

Draco asked, Raising his eyebrows.

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry, I forgot im so tired. But yeah it was good."

You smiled.

"Okay then..."

He still looked at you suspiciously.

It was awkward in the silence.

"So, Inquisitor boy, Huh?"

You chuckled fiddling with his badge.

He proudly smirked.

"Yes, Actually."

"That means I can boss you around."

He pulled you onto his lap, So you straddled him.

"Is that so?"

You kissed him passionately as he nodded.

He squeezed you, His hands running all around you.

You moaned at his harsh grip.

"Hey El-"

It was Harry. He stared, Mouth wide open, At the position you and Draco were in.

"Your catching flies." Draco spat at him.

Harry closed his mouth.

You quickly stood up, And Draco pulled you back, Trying to hide his erection.

"What the hell?"

Harry looked hurt. He hated Draco. And you had to sleep with him.

Or whatever you were to him.

"Harry, Please can we go outside?"

Harry shook his head, his eyes threatening to cry.

"Harry! Wait Please!"

You cried out.

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