Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Camila’s POV

I can’t believe Y/N caught me and Dinah coming out of the bathroom together. What if she tells Ally? She said she wouldn’t, but what if she does? What if we get kicked out? My own parents can barely afford to look after Sofi. And it’s the same thing for Dinah; her huge family couldn’t afford to have everyone stay in one big house. So we got emancipated to make things easier for them. We both work and send back a little money to help them, but if we get kicked out, we won’t be able to do that.

“What’s going to happen?”, I ask Dinah worriedly as I pace back and forth in our bedroom.

“Chill, dawg”, Dinah says. “She said she wouldn’t say anything.”

“What if she does?”

“She won’t.”

“You don’t know that!”

“Actually, we do.”

I look to the doorway, where Lauren is standing.

“I just talked to her”, she explains as she enters the room. “She promised she wouldn’t say anything.”

“Phew”, I sigh in relief. “I nearly had a panic attack there.”

“More like a heart attack”, Dinah jokes.

“How did she catch you, anyway?”, Lauren questions, half perched on Dinah’s bed.


“We were making out in the bathroom”, Dinah interrupts.

“DINAH!”, I scold.

“Is that all you did?”, Lauren asks with a smirk.

“Yes, Lauren, that is all we did. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“Have you two ever ‘done it’? Like, ever?”

“I’d like to know that myself”, I hear from the doorway. I shoot a look over there and see Y/N standing there.

“You’re all pervs”, I mutter.

“Who? What are you guys talking about?”, Mani asks as she stops at the door.

“Camila and Dinah were just about to tell us about their sex life”, Y/N says.

“Keep going”, Mani says expectantly.

“PERVERTS! You’re all perverts!”, I shout at them, which leads to a burst of giggles from the other girls, even Dinah.

“Just answer the question”, Lauren says.

“No”, Dinah responds, then clarifies. “No, we haven’t done it.”

“BOOOOO!”, Y/N shouts.


“Sorry.” Her face turns a little red from embarrassment. “I don’t know why I said that.”

“Get out, everyone. Nosy pervs aren’t allowed in here.”

“I’m not a perv. Does that mean I can stay?”, Y/N asks before taking a bite of the apple in her hand.


“Meanie.” She walks back down the hall with Mani. I sit on the bed and lean back into Dinah. She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses the side of my head.

“I hope she keeps her promise”, I mumble.

“She will”, Dinah whispers in my ear before kissing my jaw. “Don’t stress about it.”

“I’ll try.”

“I love you, Chancho.”

“Love you too, Cheechee.”


Your POV

I take one more bite of my apple and throw the core in the trash can in the kitchen. As I head back to my room, Normani stops me.

“Can I talk to you for a sec, Y/N?”, she asks.

“Yeah, sure. What about?”

“Your laundry situation.”

I blink in surprise.

“What about it?”

“You do it yourself one day a week.”

“Yeah. Is that a problem?”

“No, but there’s another thing. You wash all of your clothes at once. How many sets of clothes do you even have?”

“Enough”, I shrug.

“Could you please be specific?”

“Not unless you tell me what the point of all this is.”

She sighs deeply.

“You can’t live on just seven sets of clothes.” So she knows. Ally probably does, too.

“Sure I can”, I say while rolling my eyes. “I’ve done it for years.”

“And you don’t have to do it anymore. You’re allowed to get help, you know.”

She probably meant to make me feel better by saying that, but instead it just pissed me off.

“I don’t need that kind of help”, I grumble.

Normani tries to protest, but I brush past her and stalk off to my room. I slam the door shut and plop on the bed.

I really hate the idea of needing help. That’s why I shoot it down every time someone asks, even when I really need it. After my parents died, all anyone ever wanted to do was help. No one treated me like I was normal anymore. No one let me do anything for myself, even when I was ready to. So at some point in between grieving and adjusting, I learned to block out the mainstream world and build my own self-sufficient life, and it worked. It still does. The only time I ever leave it is when things are at their worst, such as abusive foster parents or when I had gone for a couple of days without being fed. That’s happened to me more than once, and it was always because my foster parents neglected to feed me and my foster siblings, if I had them. If there was no money for food, I always went to Raul. Him and his family saved my life on more than one occasion.

I trusted them so easily. I’ve never questioned them before. Why do I have so much trouble trusting these girls? They’re just as kind, just as loving.

But they weren’t here for you before, were they?

As much as I hate that nagging, doubting voice, it has a point.

Ally was never there when I needed her the most-when my parents died. She lived in peaceful oblivion while I had to change my entire lifestyle because of something that was out of my control. She’s lived her whole life surrounded by people she loved that loved her back. I had that for the first eleven years of my life, and in mere seconds it was all gone. And I can’t get it back. None of my friends understand what I’ve had to go through, and none of them know the whole story of the last five years of my life. Neither does Ally.

I can never forgive her for her absence. For not trying until too much bullshit had happened in my life for her attempts to make my life better to mean anything to me.

That wasn’t her fault. You were shielded from each other. Why can’t you suck it up and trust her?

Oh, damn me and my indecisiveness.

You Can Trust Us (You/Fifth Harmony)Where stories live. Discover now