Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Your POV

Ally knocks on the front door, then walks in. We all follow.

“We’re here!”, she shouts.

“About time! We were all wondering how long we’d have to wait!”, a woman calls back.

“So they’re all here?”, Dinah asks excitedly.

“In the backyard.” At this moment, a smiling woman about Ally’s height comes into the entrance to welcome us. I hide behind Mani to make myself invisible.

Ally, however, will have none of that. She pulls me out into the open, where I can’t hide behind anybody. So I keep my eyes glued to the floor.

I’m too much of a chickenshit to look her in the eye. Or anyone.

As the other girls make their way to what must be the backyard, Ally and I stay put.

“So, Mom, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my Mom”, Ally introduces us to each other.

“Nice to meet you, ma’am”, I say, holding out my hand slowly.

“Nice to meet you, too. And please, call me Pat.”

She shakes my hand. I finally get the courage to look at her, and the expression on her face isn’t at all what I expected. She seems genuinely happy to meet me.  

This whole family’s full of surprises. Thankfully they’re good ones.

“Come on out”, she gestures as she lets go of my hand. “We’re just getting started on the barbeque. Are you okay with burgers?”

“Yeah, that’s good. Thank you”, I say shyly as me and Ally follow her outside.  

I still can’t look at her. Why am I being such a coward? Get it together, Y/L/N! You’ve dealt with worse and scarier things that your half sister’s mom!

I finally force myself to look at something other than the floor. This time, my eyes latch onto the sliding door that leads to the backyard. Ally’s mom opens it and steps aside, allowing me and Ally to pass through into the spacious yet crowded backyard. And I mean crowded.

I had no clue the girls had such big families.

And now comes the anxiety.

“Y/N, are you alright?”, Ally asks in a concerned tone.

“Yeah, of course.” No I’m not.

“You’re lying.”


“No I’m not”, I defend weakly.

“Yeah you are. I know you by now.”

“Don’t worry about me, okay? I just need to get used to this, that’s all.”

It’s not the complete truth. But it’s enough to relieve her of worry, even if it’s just for a moment.

“Alright, but come to me if you need anything.”

“I will.” For once, I mean it.

Ally kisses my cheek and gently grips my arm. We start walking over to the barbeque, where a man is putting some beef patties, hot dogs, and sausages on the grill.

“Hi, Dad”, she greets happily.

I’d like to pretend it doesn’t hurt to hear the word dad. Especially considering we share the same dad, and he’s dead. But that’s going to be very hard.

“Hey, sweetie”, he greets, giving her a one-armed hug.

“Dad, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my Dad Jerry.”

“Nice to meet you”, he says, extending his hand.

“Nice to meet you too, sir.” I shake his hand.

“Please, call me Jerry. I’m too young to be called ‘sir’.”

“No you’re not”, Ally says.

At this, I burst into laughter. Jerry just looks shocked, but begins to chuckle along with me.

“BURN!”, I shout, because that was a pretty awesome burn.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to call you old!”, she frantically apologizes.

“I forgive you, don’t worry”, he assures her.

I guess I’ll be able to handle this after all.

Author's Note: I'm sorry this is short, but I promise the rest of the barbeque will come next chapter. I really hate making you guys wait. On the plus side, I have Spring Break this week! I'll write what I can this week, since I have almost no homework. But I may be gone for a couple of days with no Internet access.

On another note: DUDE. I,000 VOTES. That is freaking awesome. Thanks to everybody who voted on this and continues to vote! You are all badass and I love you! Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! And happy Spring Break to those who are on break!

You Can Trust Us (You/Fifth Harmony)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz