Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Your POV

The next day, we all sit at breakfast in a rare silence. I think part of it is because they’re excited to see their families. They’re eating faster than I’ve ever seen them eat. Ally and I, on the other hand, are eating at a much slower pace.

“Keep eating that fast and you’ll choke”, I remark.

“You’d save me if I did, right?”, Camila asks.

“Nah, you’d die.”

“Remind me never to take you anywhere that may put us in a life threatening situation.”

“Not needed. Just remember that I will always save myself.”


“Just ‘cuz. Does anything more need to be said?”

“I guess not.”

We go back to eating. The mood is uncharacteristically quiet, a silence more deafening than I’ve heard before.

I look around the table at each of the girls individually. Lauren isn’t even eating; she’s just rotating food around her plate with a fork. She’s been going through a pretty rough time lately. Her grandmother died earlier this week, and the funeral was the other day. She’s been pretty depressed ever since. The girls had gone with her to the funeral, but Ally let me stay home. It didn’t feel right for me to go. Anyway, she’s spending the weekend with her family as a sort of ‘family healing’ thing. And the other girls just miss their families. Ally doesn’t need to visit hers because they live nearby, and she always sees them at church anyway.

I still haven’t gone with them to church. They invited me to come with them last Sunday, and I’m sure Ally will invite me this Sunday, but I’m not planning on going. I can’t sit in that church, or any church, for that matter. I just can’t. So I won’t.

But sooner or later, I’ll have to tell them why. And they won’t like my answer.

“So, Y/N, things are gonna be a little crazy this morning, so you can go visit your friends if you’d like, just be back by one”, says Ally.

“Okay”, I respond. “That’s probably what I’m gonna do.”

With that confirmation, the silence continues. It kind of scares me. Not just because I never hear it in this house, but because I hate silence, period. Silence, to me, means that something bad is about to happen, or someone’s really mad and about to explode. It’s not until I look around the table again that I see three excited faces and realize there’s nothing to worry about. It puts my mind at ease.

The girls finish eating, and Lauren collects everyone’s plates. When she takes mine, I get up, go to my room, put on my shoes and denim jacket, grab by phone and head to the front door.

“I’ll be back before one”, I call out.

“Have fun”, Ally shouts behind me before I close the door.

If she knew what I was going to do there, she would never have let me go.


About thirty minutes later, I step out of the Bart station in the Mission District. My eyes scatter the familiar scene in front of me. They settle on a familiar person-my best friend Eva.

Hola, chica!”, she shouts enthusiastically.

Hola, amiga”, I say as she engulfs me in a tight hug.

“How ya doin’, chica? It’s been a while.”

“I’m alright. You?”

“Doin’ good.” We start walking down the street and head into a bakery. “How’s the new place working for you?”

You Can Trust Us (You/Fifth Harmony)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang