Chapter 26

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 Chapter 26

 Third Person POV

 Smut Warning 

  While you and Lauren are having your moment, Dinah and Camila are alone at the house. Normani's out with her sister and Ally picked up a coworker's shift at work, so until the two of you get home, whenever that may be, it's just the two of them.

  And it's been quite a long time since they had the house to themselves.

 "It's kind of weird", Camila admits, her head in her girlfriend's lap while she lies on the couch. "This never happens, even before Y/N moved in."

  "I know, right?", Dinah agrees as she runs her hand through Camila's hair. "Maybe fate decided to be kind to us tonight."  

  "Maybe it did", her girlfriend smiles.

  They fall into an easy silence. These are the kind of moments they love; the two of them cuddling together, looking at each other adoringly, not really talking a lot, just letting their actions speak for themselves-the kind of actions that say they love each other.You'd see them together and think they'd enjoy the crazier moments, and they do. But no one expects them to enjoy the quiet ones, too.

  Camila especially enjoys these moments. She loves how it feels when Dinah plays with her hair. She loves being able to hold her and be held by her the way she wants and no have to worry about being caught.    

  And best of all, she loves Dinah. Dinah, the beautiful girl with a big heart. Dinah, who, when they were eight years old, punched a boy in the face for saying mean things to her (Camila had pretended to be upset, but she was really glad). Dinah, who always puts others first, especially the people she loves. Dinah, who never fails to make her feel loved.

 "I love you", Camila whispers, breaking the silence.

 "I love you, too", Dinah whispers back.

  Camila smiles and leans up, taking her girlfriend's chin in her hand. She doesn't do anything at first; for a second, she just stares and wonders how she got so lucky. It's Dinah who leans in and connects their lips. Camila instantly kisses back. Her hands quickly entangle themselves in the other girl's hair as she deepens it, smirking at Dinah's moan as she slips her tongue in between her lips. Dinah gently cups her girlfriend's hips and squeezes them, forcing a similar sound from her.

 Then they stop.

 "Let's not go too far", Dinah whispers.

 "It wouldn't be too far", Camila protests. "At least, for me. But if you don't want to, that's fine, too."

 Dinah's not sure how to respond, because they've never really talked about this kind of thing before. Sure, they've been together for a while now-about eight months-but it's never come up. Well, Normani and Lauren had joked about it with them, but since they were the ones that brought it up, that doesn't count.

 "Dinah?" Camila's voice breaks her from her thoughts. "Are you okay?"

 "Yeah, babe, I'm fine. Just thinking."  

  "Well, there you go doing that thinking thing again", Camila says goofily.

 Dinah laughs, a high pitched, melodic sound that melts Camila's heart every time she hears it.

 That's another two things Camila loves about her: her laugh is adorable, and she laughs at all of her jokes, even the bad ones.

 "Wasn't I the one that told you nothing good comes from thinking?", Dinah asks.

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