Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Your POV

"What the hell is this?"

I cringe when Ally says 'hell', because she never, ever swears. This is how I know she's very, very mad, and I've never seen her mad. Even when she caught me drinking that one night, she wasn't like this.

But she's angrier than I ever thought she could be. And she could be capable of anything now.

"Well?", Ally demands. "Is anyone gonna tell me what's going on here?"

At first, no one says anything or moves. It's deadly quiet. Then Camila makes the first move.

"Okay", she breathes out. "You deserve to know this. Dinah and I have been dating since the beginning of the year."

"And you didn't tell me this because?" Ally raises her eyebrow expectantly.

"We thought you wouldn't take it well", Dinah whispers.

"Really?", she chuckles bitterly. "Really?"

I can't look at her anymore. I'm scared to.

"Did you know about this?", she asks Normani. Then she looks back at us. "What about you two? Did you know?"

No one says anything, and that seems to be confirmation for her.

"Wow", she chuckles again. "So does anyone have anything else they'd like to tell me?"

"Ally, don't-" Normani tries to reason with her, but she's quickly cut off.

"No. Why don't we get everything out in the open now? Let's see what else there is I don't know."

Lauren and I quickly glance at each other, then look away just as fast. But not fast enough.

"What was that?", Ally questions us.

"What was what?", I respond too quickly.

"That. You two looked at each other and looked away." Her voice is dangerously calm.

Lauren takes a deep breath and steps forward.

"Ally", she begins, but I put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Lauren, don't."

"Y/N, she's going to find out at some point." She looks back at Ally, and I look at the ground.

"Find out what, exactly?"

"Don't make this worse", I warn.

"If you don't tell her", Lauren snaps. "I will. Ally, I've been dating Y/N for the past three months."

"WHAT?", Ally roars. I step back, releasing my hand from Lauren's shoulder.

"I told you not to tell her", I say.


This, I think, is what happens when you poke the bear.

"Oh, come on", I interject, stepping up to her. "You would've kicked us all out if you knew right away."

"Is that really what you all think of me?", she demands. "Do you all really think I'm some homophobic asshole who'd toss you out on the streets?"

"We didn't know", Dinah answers quietly. "And we didn't want to take the chance."

"You didn't know? We've known each other our entire lives. And you didn't know how I'd react?"

Again, no one says anything.

"Well, then. Since everything seems to be coming out now, I may as well say some things."

We all give each other looks. This can't be good.

"Ally, you may not-" I try to talk to her, but I'm cut off.

"Oh, no. You've all had your turn. It's mine now."

I gulp. Whatever is about to happen is going to end very horribly.

Author's Note: I'm sorry, I know this is short, and it's been a while, but I got a little stuck, so this is going to have to do until I can get back on track.

On another note, can you guys believe it's been 3 years since the girls were put together? That was so long ago and they've come so far since.

See y'all and enjoy your summer!

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