Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Your POV

3 days later

I’m with my friends at Garfield Square, waiting for my half sister, whose name is Ally, to show up. After going through the appropriate procedures, Mrs. Gonzales declared her fit to take me in, and said I could go with her today. She doesn’t live in the Mission, though, so she agreed to meet us here. This way, I could say goodbye to my friends. Of course, I’ll come back to visit them, but not for a while. I guess it’ll take some time before she lets me go out. Or maybe not. I don’t know.

Right now, I’m sitting at a table in the playground area. My friend Eva is playing with her little sister. A few of my other friends are here, too. So this is almost like a little send off party for me. I was on the playground earlier, but I decided to take a break. I have a lot on my mind, as anyone may imagine.

The only time I’ve ever been worried about a foster home was when I got put in my first one. After that, I quit caring about what would happen to me and how the situation was going to work. This time, it’s all I can think about. I have so many questions for her, starting with ‘what the hell took you so long?’

My thoughts are interrupted by someone shouting my name. I look over my shoulder and see Raul coming towards me. The sight makes me smile instantly. He’s been my best friend since we were five years old. We met on the first day of kindergarten at Cesar Chavez Elementary School (A/N: Yes, that’s a real school. I’ve seen it.). He was running around with a soccer ball at morning recess and I saw him. The ball came my way, and we passed it back and forth until the bell rang. Coincidentally, we were in the same class. We’ve been friends ever since.

“Hey, Y/N”, he calls out. “How are you feeling right now?”

“Nervous”, I admit. “I have no idea what to expect.”

“Ah, don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”

“In theory.” He sits down on the bench next to me. His knee bumps mine lightly.

“I know you haven’t had the best of luck with foster homes-”

“Really, man? You haven’t seen the physical evidence of that for the past three days?”

“I have. Anyhow, this isn’t like that. It’s not just another foster home.”

“I wish it were”, I admit. “It would feel so much easier.”

“If you need me, call me”, Raul says sweetly. “I’m always here for you.”

“I’ll hold you to that, bro.”

“I know you will.” He opens his arms and I sink into his embrace. He’s always given the best hugs.

“Now”, he says when we part, “Let’s get on that playground. It’s been too long since we did that together.”

“I think we’ve outgrown that.”

“Never.” Raul grins, and I can’t help but grin, too. He’s just given me all the hope I need to get through.


Ally’s POV

I step out of the Bart station and into the sunshine. I haven’t been to the Mission in a long time, but I remember it well. It hasn’t changed much, anyhow.

As I walk down the street, I notice all the vendors, the restaurants, and many people milling around. Most of them seem to be conversing in Spanish. But I don’t listen too closely. My main focus is getting to Garfield Park, where I’m supposed to pick up Y/N. As coincidence would have it, that was the last place I saw her. My mom had taken me to visit her and our father, and I’d wanted to run in the playground. I’d spent hours playing with Y/N before my mom took me home. We haven’t seen each other since.

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