Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Your POV

Three Days Later

While I’m sitting on the couch watching Guardians of the Galaxy again, this time by myself, Caminah (the ship name that Normani made up for them when they started dating) is making out in their bedroom and driving me nuts. I keep turning the TV up to drown them out, but it’s not doing any good. As their moans get increasingly louder, I finally get fed up enough to pause the movie and march over to their room. The door is open just by a crack. I swing it open loudly.

“ENOUGH!”, I shout. “You two are really damn loud and it’s gross and I’m trying to watch a movie and Ally’s going to be home any minute and I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!”

“Woah, what crawled up your ass and died?”, Dinah asks, clearly annoyed by my interruption to their makeout session, which seems to have gotten pretty heated. Camila’s shirt is on the floor, and they both have wild hair and smeared makeup.

My only response is, “I am Groot.” I keep my face straight when I say it.

“Well, lighten up, Groot”, Camila says.

“Just fix yourselves up before Ally gets home.”

I go back out to the family room, sit on the floor, and restart the movie. Why on Earth am I so grumpy? I have no real reason to be. And no, it’s not that time of month. Not even close. I’m just really on edge.

Near the end of the movie, Camila and Dinah come into the family room and plop on the couch behind me. They frown when they see me sitting on the floor.

“I thought we fixed that”, Dinah remarks.

“I unfixed it.”

“Get up here, kid.”

“Kid? I’m barely a year younger than you are! You can’t call me ‘kid’ when you’re a kid too!”

“I won’t be a kid for much longer. Now get up here.”

I huff in annoyance and lift myself onto the couch. We watch the remainder of the movie together, and when Starlord starts singing to distract Ronan, Dinah and Camila sing along.

Ooh, child, things are gonna get easier

ooh, child, things’ll get brighter

ooh, child, things are gonna get easier

ooh, child, things’ll get brighter”, they sing.

“Not bad”, I say. It’s meant to be a comment on their singing abilities.

“Why, thank you”, giggles Camila.

We turn back to the movie. When the song “Ain’t no Mountain High Enough” comes on, they sing along to that, too. (A/N:oh, how I wish the girls would coverthis song.)

Dinah: “Listen, baby

ain’t no mountain high, ain’t no valley low, ain’t no river wide enough, baby

Camila: “If you need me, call me

no matter where you are, no matter how far

Ally (just coming inside): “Don’t worry, baby

Lauren (out of nowhere): “Just call my name, I’ll be there in a hurry, you don’t have to worry

All of them: “cuz baby there

ain’t no mountain high enough

ain’t no valley low enough

ain’t no river wide enough

to keep me from gettin’ to you babe"

Normani: “Oh no, darling. No wind, no rain

oh winter’s cold can’t stop me baby”

Camila: “No, no baby

Dinah: “If you’re ever in trouble

I’ll be there on the double

just sing for me, oh baby

Ally: “My love is alive

way down in my heart

although we are miles apart

Lauren: “If you ever need a helping hand

I’ll be there on the double

just as fast as I can

All of them: “Don’t ya know that there

ain’t no mountain high enough

ain’t no valley low enough

ain’t no river wide enough

to keep me from gettin’ to you babe

The song ends, and they stop singing.

I wonder if they know how good they are.

“That”, I breathe out after a few moments of silence.

“We try”, Lauren jokes.

The six of watch the remainder of the movie in silence, or we try to. When Groot dances, the others can’t help but dance, too.

“Y/N! Dance with us!”, Dinah exclaims.

“I think I’m good”, I assure her.

“No, Y/N, you’re not good. Dance with us!”

“If it’ll make you happy’, I grumble.

I stand up grudgingly and perform movements that sort of resemble Groot’s. When the scene ends, and the credits begin, Ally grabs the remote and hits the rewind button. We continue to dance, and she continues to rewind the scene until we get bored.

“Okay, that’s enough dancing”, Camila says. “I have to pack for tomorrow.”

“Pack? Why?”, I question.

“I’m spending the weekend with my family”, she explains.

“Actually, we’re all going to be with our families this weekend, except for Ally”, Lauren informs.

“Seriously?”, I ask in disbelief. I didn’t expect a weekend in near-isolation.

“Yeah, it’s just you and me this weekend, kiddo”, says Ally.

“Okay. That’s cool.” Actually, it’s fucking terrifying. Not that I’ll admit it, of course.

Author's note: I own no rights to the songs used in this chapter. All rights go to the original songwriter(s). The first song used is "Ohh Child" by The Five Stairsteps. The second is "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrel.

On another note, I plan to release a playlist to this story. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

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