Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Your POV

Ally gets up and offers her hand to me. The first thing I notice about her is that she's short.

"Hi", she says in a friendly tone. "It's nice to meet you." She even smiles a little, a real one.

"Hey. You too", I respond, slightly stunned by her kindness. I wasn't sure what to expect from her when I got to this moment, but this definitely wasn't it.

"So, we've got most everything figured out. We just need to go over a couple more things first, then you guys can leave. Okay?", Mrs. Gonzales tells me.

"Yeah", I say, and I sit down, my body half hanging off of the bench.

"So, Ally has already filled out the necessary paperwork, and I've already filed it. I did a home check the other day and everything seemed to be in order. Now, there is the matter of her roommates-"

"What? Roommates?", I perk up. I really didn't expect that.

"Oh, yeah", Ally says, like she's just now remembering that little detail. "Four of them. Girls. Is that a problem?" She sound genuinely concerned.

"What? No. That's alright by me." I gotta say, though, that was very shocking information.

"Alright, then that matter is settled. Anything else?"

"I think that's it", Ally says. "Unless Y/N has anything to say."

"Nah, I'm good", I answer.

"Alright. You're good to go."

We all get up. Mrs. Gonzales and Ally shake hands.

"I'll come by in a couple of weeks to make sure everything's working out. In the meantime, don't do anything stupid, okay Y/N?"

"What makes you think I'll be the one who does something stupid? Hasn't it been established that adults do stupid things, too?" I gesture to my stitches to emphasize my point.

"Yes, it has. Either way, don't do anything stupid. And don't let other people do stupid things, either."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Promise to call me if anything's wrong?"

"Of course." Lie. If something's wrong, I'm on my own, as usual.

"Great. I'll see you soon."

On that note, we part ways, and I begin the trek to my new life with my half sister.

Wait, scratch that. There's someone I have to say goodbye to first.

And apparently he has the same idea.


I turn around to see Raul running towards us. Well, towards me. He stops right in front of me.

"Hey. Are you leaving now?", he asks breathlessly.

"Yeah. I was just gonna come find you to say goodbye."

"You'll come visit, right? And I can come visit you?" He seems almost nervous for my answer.

"Yeah, I'll totally come back and see you, once I'm settled, of course."

"Great. Text me later?"

"Hell yeah." He smiles at that, showing all of his white teeth, before wrapping me in a tight bear hug. We stay in each other's arms for only a few seconds until we pull away.

"Bye", I say softly.

"Bye, chica dulce", he repeats.

He gives me one last long, sad look, and then I turn around and start walking.

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