training and cats

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I turn the yellow page of the book on the floor in front of me, putting my chin on my hands. Chizuru looks at me <<Riko-chan, you really like that book, this is the third time that you read it>> I shake my head <<not really, but Kondo-san was so kind to give us a few books two weeks ago. I already read them all and this is the most interesting>> I'm stuck in the past...i think that It's a good idea to study a little, even just for know how they lived in this era. I wasn't so bad at school but I didn't study this period so I know really little.

I know only that the Nura clan is in Edo and the commander is Rihan, my father...who is still alive. I want to see him...but I know that I can't...if the Shinsengumi let me free I have to avoid Edo.

Chizuru nods <<i understand, but we can't do much about it>> I nod but then Heisuke opens the door <<it's dinner time!>> and Harada, behind him, slaps him in the head <<how many times do I have to tell you that you have to knock? What if they were changing?>> Heisuke blushes and apologize but we chuckle and follow him in the dining hall.

The dinner is really lively like always, thanks to Heisuke and Nagakura that are bickering stealing food from each other.

During this funny fight Okita and Saito are drinking sakè, Kondo-san is eating near Inoue-san and Harada is watching the fight with a smile on his face. Suddenly the door opens and Hijikata enters followed by Sannan-san. They are wearing a light blue and white haori...the Shinsengumi's uniform, and Sannan-san has his right arm bandaged. Kondo-san greets them and they sit near him. Everyone look at Sannan-san with worry but Okita was the only one that dare to speaks with him <<welcome back Sannan-san>> Sannan-san answers with a forced smile and after that stand up <<i'm back, but I'm really tired so I will go to sleep>> Heisuke frowns <<and the dinner?>> Sannan-san shakes his head <<i'm not hungry>> and he goes away. Hijikata follows him with his eyes, but then he see us and frowns <<why are you two here? Who gave you the permission for leave your room and eat here?>> Chizuru looks down and I cross my arms, but Kondo-san answers before me <<ah no was me>> but then Heisuke says <<i invited them, so we can all eat together>> Hijikata looks at him in disbelief but Nagakura answers <<no, I did>> and after him also Harada, Inoue-san, Saito and... also Okita says that.

I look at Okita surprised but he doesn't look at me and Heisuke says <<come on! it's only at mealtimes. They didn't try to run away for a month, I trust them>> and in the end he smiles.

Hijikata looks at him <<it's only been a month, it didn't mean anything>> Okita annoyed says <<if you're so worried, why don't you watch them all the time every day?>> and grins. Hijikata looks at him with a cold gaze, but Kondo-san says <<come on Toshi, they're really good kids>> Hijikata sighs <<'re too kind>> Chizuru quickly takes my sleeves and stands up pulling me <<i think...that is best if we return to our room>> I tried to protest but she shut me putting my dishes in my hands...but then Hijikata with a soft voice says <<only at mealtime>> and we stop surprised. Chizuru looks at Hijikata with big eyes an I smile and sit down...maybe this is the begin of the love between Shiro's parents?

For a moment I look at Okita, that was already looking at me with a grin on his face, but I ignored him. Chizuru sits down and we continue to eat.

Heisuke smiles at us <<this is great, now you can eat always with us>> I nod smiling <<and we can continue to watch you and Nagakura bickering>> Nagakura grins <<you can say it loud Riko-chan!>> and he stole more food from they start fighting again.

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