troubling news

43 2 7

I walk quickly keeping my head down, holding the edges of the blue yukata placed on my if it was a hood. The city is still asleep, but some people are already setting up their stores and stalls to prepare everything for the long day ahead.

Pressing my lips together in a worry I pull slightly the yukata, covering more my face, and I continue to walk in that cold winter morning feeling my nerves on edge. Not only I am risking being seen by someone from the Nura clan here in Edo, but I'm almost certainly that I'm falling into a trap in a really stupid way. After all, it's not difficult to imagine who left that note for me into that book, but still...I have to go, because if I can really find a way to help Okita then it doesn't matter if it's a trap and if it's dangerous. This is why I sneaked out without letting anyone see me. After all Dr. Matsumoto is still asleep at this hour, and Yamazaki is with Okita, since he wanted me to rest a little...and with a bit of luck I'll be able to get back before they notice I'm gone.

After a couple of minutes I arrive at the address written on the note, and I stop surprised finding myself in front of a small old house...but thanks to the writing on the entrance I understand immediately that this is not just any house. The entrance is covered with weeds, and the garden that can be glimpsed beyond a wooden fence is messy and abandoned...but the small wooden sign, hanging from the fence, explains perfectly why the house is in this abandoned condition.

'Yukimura clinic' it said...and that means this is the house where Chizuru grew up with Kodo.

It looks like that crazy old man didn't come back here in the meantime...or this house wouldn't seem so abandoned. I should write to Chizuru and tell her later about this, but for now...I have to enter, because that crazy bitch led me here with her note, so I'm sure she's inside...but I'm ready to fight if it will be necessary.

I walk toward the door, and I slowly open it. Immediately after a voice coming from inside the house yells happy <<you've finally arrived! Come on dear and don't be shy! We have a lot to talk about>> and in the end she chuckles

I snap my tongue, already irritated by her voice, but I enter inside closing the door behind me. I didn't even take off my shoes since everything is covered in dust, and I follow her voice...finding myself in a small living room. The window is closed, and against the wall there is a large mobile and two desks.

Ava is sitting on the floor in the center of the room, and she's looking at me with interest and curiosity <<in the end you really came, I was starting to lose hope...but after all, ignoring my note was impossible for you, wasn't it? Because of Okita>> I narrow my eyes, glaring at her <<don't you dare even talk about him, not after what you did to him! Tell me right now how to cure him and I'll leave, or I'll tear you apart!>> and I restrain myself from pulling out my katana and cut off her head again.

She doesn't get upset, on the contrary, she smiles more <<ah, I love your fighting spirit, but...look, I'm not armed>> and she raises her arms, showing that. I look at her, noticing that she was telling the true, because she doesn't have her umbrella at her side like always. I frown but I don't let my guard down <<so what? we're both gray existences, and we can fight even without weapons>> and I continue to look at her with suspicious and furious eyes.

Just seeing her smiling face makes me feel such anger...and because of that, in my mind resurface my nightmare and Okita's screams when he was trying to break free from her control. Even though I feel sorry for her...I really hate her!

She crosses her arms, shaking her head <<come on dear, you know it's not always true. Kaoru told me about you, you know? My dear amazing girl, I still find it hard to believe that you're from the future...but it doesn't matter where you're from, because it doesn't change anything. Both you and I were born from demons who lived in the we can really use our powers only during the night>> and she presses her lips together <<sure...we're not as weak as humans, but during the day you're practically human and my powers are greatly reduced>> and she touches her cheek with her index finger <<you skin is extremely delicate, and if I stand too much under the sun without my umbrella I get burned. Of course I don't turn into ashes like pure-blood vampires, but it's still painful, trust me>> and she shrugs <<this is why I invited you here. We're indoors, so the sun is no longer a problem, and no one will see your face besides me...and this means that we can talk without problems>> and she smiles kindly <<also...we both know that you are a better swordswoman than even if you can't kill me, right now you're the stronger one between the two of us, so please calm down because you're not in danger>> and she sighs.

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