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I fix my school uniform and look at myself in the mirror. I tie a red bow around my neck and I put on a yellow sweater without sleeves, covering in part my white t-shirt, under it. I also check that my gray skirt is alright and I run outside, out of my room.

Outside the door I find two little yokai waiting for me...with my socks and my shoes in their hands. I take the sock and the shoes, giving them some candies in return <<thank you guys, now I have to go>> and I immediately run toward the dojo. I put on only my socks, and i leave the shoes outside <<sorry!>> and I enter inside the dojo. Chizuru sighs <<you're late>> and she walks toward me, ruffling my short hair <<you cut your hair again?>> I nod <<yeah, if they become too long it will be annoying>> she chuckles and cross her arms <<then it's best if Kejoro doesn't see you, she will be furious, because she always says that she want to see you with long hair someday>> I roll my eyes annoyed <<yeah yeah, I know. she's been hiding the scissors in the house for years>> she laughs <<yes, but Kappa always puts them back in their place, right?>> I grin <<what can i say? he agrees with me, long hair gets in the way if you have to fight>> she shrugs and grab her long hair, tied in a braid <<yes, but you don't need to always cut them you know? Well, it doesn't matter.'s too late to train with swords so...>> I interrupt her puzzled <<but...we still have time before school>> she shakes her head <<Nurarihyon wants to speak with you and your brother in the common room. There is a meeting right now between the clan's leaders...and i bet that it's important so hurry up>> I nod curious <<okay...then it's best if i go now>> she nods and hug me <<good>> I hug her back and run away.

I arrive in front of the common room's door and I look inside. The room is really big, and near the walls there are many demons...the most powerful yokai of the Nura clan, who rule around our territory. Grandpa is sitting in front of everyone with Rikuo next to him.

Grandpa smiles at me <<oh! there you are, come closer and sit at my side. Today is an important day>> and he pats the empty place near him. I nod, looking worried at Rikuo...who is looking down with a troubled expression on his face. he's been sad and worried since yesterday, when he came home from school...i wonder what happened. Mum said to leave him alone for now, because...if he want, he can come himself to talk with us about it.

I sit near grandpa, and in the meanwhile the demons in the room are talking lively among themselves. Grandpa clears his throat, and everyone in the room shut up immediately. Grandpa smiles <<good day to you all, how's everyone doing recently?>> and a monkey yokai shakes his head <<ehh not so good lately, humans don't get scared so easily anymore. However, supreme commander...why you gather us here today?>> grandpa smirks <<i was just thinking that it's time...i have to choose someone as the third>> every demons smile pleased for the news, but one in particular was smiling more than the others. Gagoze is a terrifying yokai, with green skin and a mouth full of big fangs...and his figure is covered with a brown cloak.

Gagoze smiles <<this is really a good news. it's already been a few years since the second long will the first continue to work even when he's retired? it's so sad>> and he chuckles. I bit my lips annoyed...i don't really like yokai like him, so full of themselves.

A young and beautiful spider woman hugs Gagoze <<supreme commander, when it comes to evildoing...there's no one who can match Gagoze-sama! This year alone, all the child kidnappings were the work of the Gagoze group. I also heard that his wife killed many of them in the the good old days>> I freeze, outraged and furious. I try to answer, but grandpa puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. Gagoze pushes away the spider girl <<now now, sending large numbers of children down to hell is just my job>> and he nod satisfied, looking at me and Rikuo with the corner of his eyes. I glare at him, refusing to be intimated by him...but grandpa didn't even blink <<i see, it's seems you are working really hard Gagoze>> but then he puts his hands on my and Rikuo's shoulders << can't be you. Regarding the matter of the third...i thought I'd leave it to my brave grandson Rikuo...and my beautiful granddaughter will be his also Gyuki can retire too, and my grandchildren will rule together>> and he chuckles.

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