face to face

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The sun is high in the sky, and the birds continue to chirp annoyingly, so I take a rock and throw it at them...making them fly away. The bruises on my body heals quickly...too quickly, like always, leaving behind only the blood on my skin and my torn clothes. Without looking back I begin to run toward the forest, ignoring the big house behind me and the angry voices who were screaming and calling my name.

I continue to run, and in the end I arrive in a small grass field hidden behind many trees. There is a small pond in the center and a tiny hut made of wood near it. I walk toward the hut, knowing that no one will disturb me here, because only I know this place...this is my secret hideout and those bastards abusers don't know about it. I may not be a woman like they want, but they can't enter inside these grass fields surrounded with my fear...because my hate for them is too strong.

It starts to rain so I quickly enter the hut, closing the door behind me, but then I freeze because I see a boy sleeping on my bed. he's sleeping deeply, but I can clearly see his cat ears and the bruises on his body...so similar to mine.

I sigh exasperated and move closer, noticing a small folded yellowed sheet of paper in his hand...so I lean closer and grab it with curiosity. I open the sheet of paper, seeing that there is a beautiful woman's drawing on it. This portrait is obviously really old, but it's still well kept. Then the boy wakes up hissing like a cat, and jumps, taking back his drawing from my hands scratching my cheek.

I stumble back growling annoyed, but when the cut heals himself under his eyes he stops to hiss, and looks at me surprised <<so you're a yokai too>> I glare at him <<you come in my hideout and you hurt me, what's wrong with you? And what is the big deal with that drawing? don't tell me that she's something like your mother...pathetic>> he frowns angry <<i'm not a stupid gray existence! This stupid woman was only a weak human>> I shrug and take a small box hidden under the bed, throwing it at him. He takes and sniff it curious <<what is it?>> I roll my eyes <<an ointment for bruises, you don't look like an oni...if you were one, you wouldn't need it as much. How did you get in here?>> he looks at me raising an eyebrow <<from the door>> I groan <<i mean how did you pass my fear? I impregnated this place with my feeling, making it a private refuge>> he frowns looking at the blood still on my clothes <<emotions like that can't stop me...you and me are similar>> I cross my arms looking at him skeptical <<similar? Oh please...>> he interrupts me <<i can see it in your eyes...a deep resentment. Maybe for the people who did this to you. You could get revenge, you know?>> and he grins. I feel a strong aversion for this opinionated guy, who does he think he is?! He doesn't know anything and he can't tell me what to do! However...i can't lie to him, I wonder why.

I pass a hand in my hair annoyed <<revenge mh? It doesn't sound so bad, but I already tried that...everyday. Those bastards are way too many and I'm only one>> but the guy stands up, showing development muscles under the violet bruises and the torn clothes <<but you still try every day right? You want your revenge>> I nod grumpy <<of course, and they will beat me up more because of that...but well, it doesn't change anything, they'll do it anyway because I'm not a female demon>> I shake my head, changing the subject <<you talk big but you're no better than me, look at yourself>> he shrugs <<what do you think? we're demons...people hate us>> and he puts a hand on his hip <<at least you're still a kid, but you are not different...i'm like this because i'm alone too>> I look at him curious <<so you're an old yokai? Why are you whining like that if you're an adult?>> he changes the subject <<you said that you want to get your revenge, but you can't...i can understand very well your anger and your pain>> and he releases his fear. I tremble feeling a burning hate, a sad melancholy and bitterness...we're really similar.

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