Legendary Eleven part 2

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Tenshi was worried as she looks after her horse as Aurora can find her in any timelines making this to be perfect for her, but she can't stop the feeling she is fully feeling really right now. Tenshi knows it's going to be harder to hide her own descendant really.

She has an athame or athamé which is a ceremonial blade, generally with a black handle. It is the main ritual implement or magical tool among several used in ceremonial magic traditions and by other neopagans, witchcraft as well as satanic traditions.

She uses it to do rituals to fully just strengthen, increased the lifespan and increased the stamina of her family line over and over again as much as she can to keep them safe really. She can't let them down at all really as that would be a bad thing really.

She can't take it really as her line needs to be continue and that it's all male really. She sighs as she looks up to the clouds worried for her future family really. She didn't expect Kirino to place something into her hair really from behind her fully.

A curved comb with flowers of many kinds on it- all made of plastic of coarse. Tenshi smiled when she saw it cause Kirino has some of her hair in a high ponytail with the comb holding it up for her really. She was happy with the gift actually.

Tenshi did wonder if Shindou even knew that the very word "Virtuoso" was Italian for "Master" or "Expert" really? Guess she'll never know really. Kirino chuckles cause he knows what she is fully thinking really which made her blush fully.

Next stop in Time Traveling is France making Kirino to wonder as it seems he's connected to this one making Wonderbot to look and nod as he won't ignore it making him to get them there and they saw that Tenshi and her family were dressed like royalties once more.

Kirino has both knight and royal clothing mixed together making Sakuma to have them pretend he is a knight engaged to their daughter and training to be a prince to help her look after her kingdom which works as Tenshi looks beautiful.

Tenshi's other eleven knights were the same while Aoi was her handmaiden making her to love it as Wonderbot had to pretend to be a teddy bear making him to hate this as her brothers wear the prince clothing and once again Sakuma is stuck as the 'flat-chested queen' making Genda to chuckle.

"You look good in anything, love." Sakuma blushes as he leans into his hold making knights to show up and saw them mkaing them to surround them as Kirino went in front of Tenshi to protect her as the others did the same to the others making the knights to see good formation from them really.

They took them to their base to get answers as Tenshi is acting like a childish princess with her teddy bear with Kirino keeping an eye on her like the good knight he is and he would sometimes join her in her games with another knight taking over his position really.

The others had to hold in their laughter at the site of the knights trying to figure out what is the princess doing making it to be funny as Fei managed to get some pictures like he did last time as this was going to be funny really as no one knows how the camera works really.

"Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici sur un champ de bataille? (what are you doing out here in a battlefield?)" One of the knights called out mkaing Tenshi to look up at him and pouts making him to flinch back four steps as a princess pouting is a bad thing to do making Kirino to hold his laughter in as Tenshi let lose a French letcher at the knight.

It lasted an hour before the knight bows in an apology and bolts out the room and Shindou saw him crying to his captain about a princess letchering him making many to have a hard time keeping in their laughter as Fei has that video recorded as Tenshi looks smugged about making him cry.

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