The team meets Tenshi's family

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Tenshi was nervous as she doesn't know if this will be a good idea. After winning their fifth match, Kirino and Shinsuke and Tsurugi gaining two new hisstakes, Tenshi is nervous as she has her familiar with her who is hidden like the others familiars are.

Aoi knows how tense Tenshi is and holds her hand as this is going to be a major shocker for not just their senpais, but also Endou-san and Haruno-sensei as well, too. Shinsuke was small enough to overhear stuff without being even caught really.

Tsurugi had explained everything that his level of SEEDER Ranks can give as he explains to Tenshi's mama about what he knows over the phone. Tenshi and Aoi knows this is major for the Rebellion really and managed to keep their involvement a secret.

Both of Tenshi's parents agreed to keep it hidden until the two fully admits it themselves. Tenshi never got the chance to even say good morning to her family as she left a note. Aoi, Shinsuke and Kirino knows Tenshi is trying to keep them safe really.

Once Tenshi saw her mama and onii-chan, she hugged jumped them shocking everyone, but three as they already knew about it really. Tenshi held Sakuma Jirou's hand all the way up and saw the rest of her family as she did the same to them making everyone to question her.

"Tenshi, why didn't you tell us about your family?"

"Can you blame her?" Itsumi Kunihiko asked as they looked to him.

"Yeah. Both Mikado-aniki and Ryuuzaki-nii had to protect her and she felt like she was losing her family members all over again." Miyabino Reiichi said as the said two nods.

"No way were both of us going to let Tenshi-imoto be used as a breeder if they get their hands onto her really." Mikado Haruma said as Ryuuzaki Ouji nods his head making both Sakuma and Genda Koujiro to be very shocked.

"What?!" Sakuma shouts as Tenshi looks back to her mama.

"Um... Err..." Mikado saves her the trouble.

"A new law was passed without the Holy Emperor even knowing about it. 'Any female Keshin Users will be used to breed powerful Keshin Users by only other Keshin Users only.' No way where we ever going to be letting that happen. We didn't even know back then."

"Yeah, we're not going to let that happen to her. We even found two descent cousins of her's on her marental and parental side. Don't know how they didn't even know really." Ryuuzaki said as both Genda and Sakuma nods.

"Names please, Mikado-aniki. Ryuuzaki-nii." Tenshi asked as this might help them out as she doesn't want them to be with Sector Five anymore.

"One is called Shuu and is a Keshin User as well, too." Tenshi nods as this helps her out to bond closer to them.

"And the last one is Hakuryuu and he's also a Keshin User."

"WHAT?!" Tsurugi shouts before explaining both were in the same program and that he was sent to the mainland making him upset since they, him and Hakuryuu, were sort-of boyfriends.

"I don't know if he still likes me or not."

"Shuu and him can't be together, so you still have a shot. Last I checked, he wanted to know why you left without a word to him really." Tsurugi was shocked and looks to Shindou for help.

"Alright, but it's your words and I just fix it up. Keep it to your hand writing." Tsurugi nods as Sakuma and Genda could take the two in really. Tenshi didn't mind really.

"Itsumi-nii, Miyabino-onii. Did you remember the date?" Tenshi asked in a whisper making the two to smirk as Mikado and Ryuuzaki were onto it really.

"What's with the whispering, you five?" Genda asked playfully as they moved behind Kidou Yuuto and used him as a human shield.

"Ask baa-samas!" Tenshi said just smiling at them both making poor Sakuma to phone and blush up a storm really.

"Tenshi... Did you ask our parents to help you get us both pregnant by surgery when we both had a medium sized tumor in our very stomachs?" Tenshi giggles and was close to laughing out loud making Sakuma to blush even worse.

"Well, that explains the twins and me." Genda said as Sakuma looks like he's going to faint on the spot really. Tenshi laughs as the four brothers had found out by it and liked it really.

"O.K, Tenshi. Enough trying to get your mama to faint into your papa's arms." Tenshi pouts as Aoi ruined her fun.

"Pout all you want, it's not going to be helping you out." Tenshi's head went down as she hates this side of Aoi really. The twins were born Genda Koujiro Jr and Sakuma Jirou Jr making the family of seven to be a family of nine really.

After meeting the leader of the Rebellion: Hibiki-kontaku, there's been a increase of their training making everyone to fully groan as Tenshi is in charge of that making them to freak as she has been doing that since her Koujirou-baa made the underground soccer field for her.

'What did we get ourselves into really?!'

AN: Yes, I did made those two her cousins. The 'Breeder Program' is something I was thinking about cause in IEG Chrono Stones, there's female Keshin Users and I'd wonder when they started to show up making the 'Breeder Program' to show up into the story really.

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