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Tenshi was happy Shindou was back to playing soccer as she saw that the team was happy as well. Tenshi was on the field already and was working on her new move: Slow Motion Step, Quick Draw and Maximum Wind.

Quick Draw is a Defense Soccer move which Tenshi has been trying to get working, but no luck. Maximum Wind is a Shooting Soccer Move and she still can't get it to work. Slow Motion Step is a Dribble Hissatsu like her other one: Soyokaze Step.

She still can't get the three to work really, but the whole team came to do some training and saw Tenshi being blow away by the wind making her to be up in the air before falling and landing on her back before she was on her front.

Kirino was by her side as he had shouted her name making even Endou to run to her as Aoi was with her like Shinsuke making them to be there before the others ever did. Tenshi smiles sheepishly as she gets up carefully as she does not know if she got hurt or not.

"You O.K, Tenshi?" Kirino asked as he saw her hurt from countless endless training it seems.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just can't get this shoot to work really." Tenshi said as Endou has her use it in a training match and she was quick to get thrown at Minamisawa's chest making both to fall to the ground with Tenshi on top of him as both groaned in pain.

"Tenshi, what is the shoot hissatsu name?" Endou asked as Kirino helps Tenshi up with Shindou and Sangoku helps Minamisawa up.

"Maximum Wind. The other two are named: Slow Motion Step and Quick Draw. The other two are Defense Move and Dribbling Move while the one I'm used is Shooting Move one." Tenshi said as Endou thinks.

'This is not as simple as it should be. What is she trying to do really here?' Tsurugi saw how Tenshi is creating new moves, hissatsus and he doesn't get it really how she though of them herself.

"Tenshi, why create them? Any reason?" Tenshi blushes a bit.

"My last name is sort of a pun on my wind element in my soccer moves. Matsu'kaze'. Kaze means wind, kontaku." Endou nods as he wonders about something. Kirino saw a shadow on Tenshi's leg and secretly throw a piece of paper on that shadow.

It vanished with a core being there making him to pick it up as no one was watching this. He showed it to Tenshi and she badly flinched as Aoi takes it and after school, will bring them to the Core Keeper. After school and they left while letting Shinsuke to stay.

Aoi showed them Misanalia, the Core Keeper and a elf. She shivers and had her half elder brother, Yusaratoya or just Yuya who helped her out and was willing to buy it for ten trillion yens cause of the level and class which confused Kirino.

"Is it?"

"This is a core of a level 100 Shadow Demon Lord. It's best to not have Tenshi eat it." Kirino was more confused as Tenshi promises to tell him about it once they are back at her home. Kirino was the one who slayed it and thou the money was his.

"I would like to sell it, but what abilities does it have?" Many, but Kirino didn't like the curse one and was fully willing to take it in her place, but Tenshi told him it's fine and that's only way to fully remove it is from Kami who is busy with paperwork.

"Can you let her know for me, Mia?" Mia is the nickname she gave to Misanalia who nods as the message was sent. Back at Tenshi's home, they got Shinsuke and went up to Tenshi's room where she explain more on her mother's side as Aoi told Kirino what she told Shinsuke.

"Mom's side of the family is very strange really. The males are very physical strong yet the females are very physical weak, but if the females eat the cores of defeated supernaturals, they get physical stronger and handle pregnancy better.

It's why Mia said I shouldn't eat that core, Kirino. It would of been very bad since that one would have killed me since I'm not at that level where I can eat the demon cores. I need to be level fifty, but Kristnakum gave me a core too early.

He did it to keep me alive and keeps giving me cores of sorting supernaturals to keep me alive. I'm only at level one hundred and seventy max with my mana being at four hundred and fifty max." Shinsuke then explains about his sword abilities.

"Tenshi gave me a core from a samurai making it easier to use swords even if it's more for the kanata ones than the knight sword ones really." Kirino understands and wants to help. That night, Kami visited Tenshi in her dreams.

She removed the curse and gave her a charmed bracelet to keep curses away making Tenshi to be thankful. All three were happy about that and saw Tenshi glow a bit before she sighs as she shakes her head while mumbling about champion statue.

"Why did he pick me?"

"Who?" Kirino asked, but got ignored.

"He didn't?!"

"Who?" Again ignored.

"He did."

"Who?" Once again ingored.

"Is he crazy?! Why do I have a funny feeling that Gabriel is not going to be pleased with this?! Even his older brother isn't going to like this!"


"Ops, sorry Kirino. Chaos or Khaos has chosen me to be his champion in any fight against another God who I'll have to fight their own champions. We don't kill as that's not what champions do really." Kirino was shocked until he, too also glowed as well.

"Ashura chose you?! Oh boy! Your monk job is now at Full-Monk than Semi-Monk! I will need to help you get ready." Kirino glups as he doesn't know what to expect really at all, but likely Tenshi can show him the ropes really.

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