"There, all done. I'm going to bring you more pain killing potion."

Ginny walked away to help mum with the potion. I looked over to y/n and studied her face. Her e/c eyes were watery. Her h/c hair was swept across her face, beads of sweat dripping down her face.

"Thanks for being here with me."

"Of course. You're my best friend, what else was I supposed to do."

Y/n ruffled my hair and laughed. I looked down at her and noticed she was still missing a shirt, her ribs bandaged. 

"My eyes are up here."

Y/n said through giggles.

"Shove off."

I muttered as I stood up to go. Just as I did so, my mum walked in with a class of dark purple liquid.

"Here, drink this."

Y/n downed the glass with no complaints but she made a disgusted face after. 

"I think you're ready to move to someone's room. I don't want to make you stay on the couch with no privacy."

"She can stay with me and Georgie. I'll sleep on the floor. Wouldn't want to bump Ginny and Hermione to the floor."

I responded quickly, and there was a trace of a smirk on y/n's face. 

"Help me move her to your room then."

Ginny said, throwing a wink my way. I wrapped my arm around y/n's waist, helping her to stand up. Ginny helped as well. Y/n let go of us to sit down on my bed. She eyed me up and down before turning to Ginny. 

"I think I'm okay. Thank you guys."

She smiled as she laid down. Ginny left the room but I lingered for a moment.

"If you need anything you know where to find me."

I walked out of the room closing the door behind me.


*Reader's POV*

You fell asleep and woke up to see the sun was setting. You felt full of energy, your ribs still sore. You descended the stairs and saw everyone finishing up dinner.

"Saved you a plate."

George passed you a plate and you took a seat in between Harry and Ginny. 

"Believe me it was hard to keep Ron away from it."

Fred said and laughed.


You ate your food as you talked with Ginny.

"You're a natural at quidditch, I'm telling you."

Ginny blushed and muttered arguments.

"I've got to agree with y/n on that one."

Harry remarked sheepishly. Ginny's face matched her hair and you struggled to keep a straight face. You overheard George, Ron, and Fred talking.

"So you're with Angelina now?"

Ron inquired. You listened but pretended to be talking with the others.

"I guess... I don't want anything serious but I think she does."

Your eyes watered and your chest tightened. You knew he wasn't going to chose you. He likes Angelina, and he was with her now. It was officially time to move on. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had left the table to tend to the gnomes in the garden.

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