28. Dumbledore's Army

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You were up till it was late at night. You knew you were going to regret it in the morning, but you promised to help Hermione, Ron, and Harry. You went back to the Gryffindor common room to figure out how to recruit people subtly. 

"We can start by just telling people."

Ron suggested.

"That's a good starting place, but we have to be careful of who we tell. We don't need anyone ratting us out to Umbridge."

Hermione replied.

"We'll start with people we really trust. No Slytherins."

Harry said and you rolled your eyes.

"Seriously Harry? You should know by now that not all Slytherins are death eaters."

"I think Harry is right."

You looked at Hermione, a shocked expression on your face.

"We know there are good Slytherins, of course. We just can't risk it. There are too many of them who are close to Umbridge."

You reluctantly agreed. 

"Ron... Ronald!"

Hermione shouted to get Ron's attention.

"Did you find a place for us to meet?"

"Well, I found a place for a start. It won't be the best place to practice magic, it's a bit small. I'll keep looking."

"I can ask the twins."

You chimed in.

"They probably know some place that's large enough."

"We'll meet at Hogs Head after classes."

The group agreed. Directions would be given to students by mouth, as writing it on paper could jeopardize the operation. Everyone went their separate ways to go to classes. 

"Y/n! You okay there mate?"

Lee asked you. You kept looking at the clock and bouncing your leg. You were playing with the necklace Fred gave you.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Lee raised an eyebrow at you, but you just shook your head. You weren't supposed to tell people for a few hours. You couldn't risk people passing it around the school. You were dismissed from your second to last class of the day. This was the last class you had with the Weasley twins and Lee. You grabbed their arms and pulled them aside.

"Okay, now what I'm about to tell you you can't repeat to anyone."

The three boys nodded their heads eagerly.

"Harry, Ron, Hermine, and I have developed a... club."

You chose your words carefully, barely speaking above a whisper. Their eyes were glued to you as you spoke.

"Since that oaf Umbridge isn't teacher us anything other than theories, we've decided to form a club. The group will learn how to truly defend themselves from threat. We'll learn how to defend ourselves."


George and Fred said at the same time.

"We'll be meeting at Hogs Head right after classes."

"We'll be there."

Lee responded. 

"See you there."

A devious smile flashed across your face before you disappeared into the crowd of people. Only one more class. Potions.

You rushed out of potions class as soon as you were dismissed.

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