6. Pop Quiz in Potions

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You were able to make it through the day. A few people tried to walk up to you, but Lee, George, or Fred always chased them away. The day had be decent, nothing really special happened. You were dreading potions because you had to see Nate. Hermione had touched up your makeup right before you had to head off. You got to class early so you could avoid being paired with Nate. You arrived to potions early, and took a seat next to Liv. She smiled warmly at you, and you returned the smile. You heard someone clear their throat and you looked up. It was Draco. You smiled it him. You two used to be the closest friends, and were still decently close. 

"Listen I heard about William, I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that, you're amazing. I was on my way to have a talk with him but Weasley and Granger took care of it for me. If he gives you more trouble, you know where to find me. Also, I like the new look."

He winked and you laughed at him.

"And don't make me have to tell that Weasley to keep his eyes off you."

You opened your mouth to ask what he meant, but Snape had started class. No way you were getting in trouble. It started, as expected, with a pop quiz. We were starting our lesson on the love potion, amortentia. We wouldn't be making the potion for a while, as Snape said it was quite complicated. 

"You must fully understand this complex potion before you take on the task of making it."

Snape droned on for the rest of class about the basics of the magical potion.


Finally, Snape released you. Potions was your last class, and you were ready to go study by the black lake. As you walked out the door, someone grabbed your wrist. It was Nate Williams, the liar and cheater. You quickly turned emotionless and cold. You glared at him and a few people stuck around to see what would happen. 

"What do you want Williams?"

You asked coolly, your face emotionless. He looked you in the eyes before taking a deep breath. 

"I-I wanted to apologize. I never meant to hurt you. Pansy came on to me I swear!"

You looked at him, wanting to believe what he was saying was true. You remembered how hurt you felt when you saw. Your mind wandered to Fred. You snapped out of it to respond to the snake.

"Save it for someone who cares. Now run along to your little pug-face girlfriend."

Color rose in Nate's cheeks as you turned on your heel and started to walk away. You heard him say something, and before you could turn around, you were hit with a spell. Nothing awful, but you were knocked over with a bloody nose. You stood up, furious.

"You know I never liked you much. You're nothing special. Not even that pretty."

He turned around and laughed with his posy. You wiped the blood from your nose and raised your wand. You fired a spell at him. He had a nasty gash on his head. Both of you were about to fire a spell when McGonagall rounded the corner.

"What on earth are you two doing?" She shrieked. The golden trio, the twins and Lee had followed McGonagall to find the scene playing out. You and Nate were shouting trying to explain what happened. McGonagall looked around helplessly, trying to figure out who was right. Draco cleared his throat loudly. The crowd turned, waiting to see what he would say. You saw Ron out of the corner of your eye hold Harry back.

"Williams fired first, gave her the bloody nose. She fired back so he wouldn't hurt her."

You smiled at Draco, grateful. The crowd seemed slightly shocked. The infamous Draco Malfoy stuck up for a halfblooded Hufflepuff. McGonagall looked shocked, but believed him. She knew he wouldn't say that if it wasn't true. 

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