25. The Burrow

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*Reader's POV*

You had been home for one week, and you were already aching to go back to Hogwarts. You had been without your friends for too long. You sat down at the dinner table. The scent of turkey and cookies wafted up to you as you descended the stairs. Your mouth was watering as you sat down. You were laughing at the story your mom told you. She was talking about her time at Hogwarts. Your mom was in Slytherin and she was telling you embarrassing stories about Professor Snape. Your mom was about to elaborate on a story involving Mrs. Weasley when an owl tapped on the window.

"We weren't expecting any mail."

Your dad said as he stood up to take the letter from the owl. He opened it, your mom reading over his shoulder. Her eyes widened, tears brimming her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

You inquired. Both your parents looked shocked and concerned.

"It's your mom's sister... she's in the hospital... an incident at work..."

Your dad stumbled over his words. You knew this was serious. Your mom's sister was in Romania. She was doing a trial study with a rare breed of dragon. 

"We're going to leave in the morning."

Your mom decided. 

"I'll go pack."

You replied and started to head up the stairs but your mom stopped you.

"No, no. You're not going. I'm going to have to find a place for you to stay."

"Are you serious? My aunt is in the hospital and I can't go see her?!"

You shouted.

"I know, it isn't fair. I don't want to pick you up and move you Romania. We could be there for a while..."

Your mouth fell open. You couldn't believe your parents were going to up and leave. Where would you even stay? You knew they didn't want to, you could see it in your mom's eyes. You decided to leave them to talk. You slipped away to your room and closed the door. You could still hear your parents talking.

"I hope she's okay... I told her it was going to be dangerous but she didn't listen. She's always been stubborn and she lives for a little danger. I see so much of y/n in her..."

You smiled at the comparison. You hadn't seen your aunt in years. Whenever you would visit her small flat in London the two of you would be connected at the hip. You smiled, remembering the memories you had of her. You just hoped she'd be okay...

You were shaken awake too early in the morning. The sun was barely creeping in your window. 

"Go away. Let me sleep."

You mumbled at the intruder.

"Morning y/n. It's time to get up."

"Come on, it's summer."

You said to your mom who was still shaking you.

"You've got to pack and we've got to get you off the the Weasley's before we leave for Romania."

You sat up.

"Wait a minute. The Weasley's?!"

Your mom nodded.

"You'll likely have to say there the whole summer, so pack everything for school. I hate to leave you like this for the whole summer..."

"I know mom. I'm not mad. I'll write you every day. Tell Aunt Scarlet I miss her."

Your mom smiled as she walked out of your room.

"We leave in two hours!"

Your mom shouted as she left. Your eyes widened. Only two hours to pack for the whole summer and then the whole school year?! You rushed out of bed and showered. You threw on a shirt and some sweatpants. You put a charm on your two bags, making them light as a feather but able to hold everything you could possibly need. You had your trunk for all your school things and two bags for everything else. You started shoving everything you could possibly need into the bags. By the time you finished packing practically your whole room, you dad knocked on your door.

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