12. The First Task

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You were at breakfast before the first task. Harry looked very sick. Everyone was trying to assure him he would do okay. He leaned in to your group.

"I heard the task was dragons."

He whispered.

"Excuse me?"

You said, shocked. Harry nodded. You noticed that Ron wasn't sitting with you all. Him and Harry hadn't been on speaking terms since Harry became a champion. Hermione and I thought it was quite petty, but neither boy would apologize. You were trying to help Harry prepare for the task, as he had done nothing to prepare even though he knew what the task was.

"Honestly, he's be dead if it wasn't for you."

I muttered to Hermione.

"You're definitely right."

You walked with Ginny, Hermione, and Ginny to the first task.

"I'm nervous for Harry."

Hermione said and the three of you agreed.

"How are things going with the chosen one?"

You asked Ginny and nudged her shoulder. Her face turned red.

"He doesn't seem interested so I'm going out with Dean."

She sounded a bit disappointed, but not angry. 

"What about you and Ron, Hermione?"

Luna questioned.

"Well right now he's acting quite immature."

"We can all agree with that."

You said and the girls agreed. 

"So you and Oliver hung out the other day?"

Ginny wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yeah, but just as friends. He was helping me practice for quidditch tryouts. Speaking of tryouts, Ginny did you make the team."

Ginny couldn't hide her smile.

"I did!"

All of you congratulated her. She was especially talented when it came to quidditch.

You all cheered Harry and Cedric on. Both of them did a decent job. Harry managed to summon his broom. 

"I recon you taught him that."

Ginny leaned over and yelled.

"Sure did."

Hermione responded. 

The task finished with Harry in the lead. Every student of Hogwarts was screaming as loud as they could. You followed the Gryffindor's back to their common room. Another party was happening, but this time, Harry was happy to be in the middle of it. Someone blasted muggle music. Harry Styles, actually. Kiwi was being played at top volume. None of the wizards knew what was happening accept for the half-blood's and muggle borns. You and Hermione made eye contact and started screaming the words. 

"She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes, hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect, and all the boys they were saying they were into it, such a pretty face, on a pretty neck..."

You and Hermione shouted the lyrics. This was one of your favorite songs. You looked around the room and saw Fred staring intently at you. You turned back to Hermione and kept singing and dancing. The twins came up to the two of you.

"I take it you know this song?"

George shouted over the music.

"It's only the best song ever!"

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