7. The Announcement

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*Fred's POV*

"Where am I?"

I opened opened my eyes. I looked around, and was relieved when I realized I was in my dorm. The events of the previous day came back to me. I remembered y/n getting into the fight, and Georgie, Lee, and I brought her back to the dorm to fix her up. My arms were wrapped around something. Well, someone. 

"I must've fallen asleep on the bed with y/n."

I couldn't help but smile as he thought about it. I was snapped out of it when a dim light flicked on.


George said smirking at me. Color rose in my cheeks as I realized George and Lee were staring at me and y/n.  I held a finger up to my lips, signaling them to stay quiet, as y/n was still sleeping. George and Lee shared a knowing look. I slowly slid my arms off the still sleeping girl. I looked at the clock. Classes started in thirty minutes, not leaving them too much time. Y/n stirred. She stretched and looked at the clock. 

"So sorry boys but I've got to head back to my dorm and get ready."

Y/n got out of bed and gathered her clothes. She smiled at the three of us before leaving the dorm. 

"So Freddie, I saw you and y/n there."

George wiggled his eyebrows and Lee made kissing noises. I tried to hide the blush that was no doubt  creeping up my cheeks. 

"I-It was nothing. We had were talking and I fell asleep."

George and Lee didn't look convinced.

"Come on guys, she's my best friend. And that git Williams just cheated on her."

George and Lee let it go. For now. 


The three of us walked into the great hall. Most people were getting ready to leave. They sat down in the usual spot near Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny. 


Hermione said, not bothering to look up from her book. 

"Have you seen y/n?"

Ginny asked as she shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth. I looked at my brother and Lee.

"She was staying with us. Fell asleep before dinner. We let her stay the night."

As I told them when we last saw her, everyone, except me of course, seemed to share a look. I tried to ignore them.  


Hermione mumbled, standing up. As she stood up to leave, y/n came through the doors. I studied her as she walked over to the Hufflepuff  table. She turned to wave at her friends at the Gryffindor table. She locked eyes with me, but broke the eye contact to sit next Cedric. 

I looked at y/n for a long while. She had on another outfit similar to the one of the previous day. She didn't have on any makeup today, but I thought she was beautiful regardless. I forced the thoughts out of my head.

"Come of Fred. She's like a sister. She just got out of a serious relationship. Well... it's been a week... No! Knock it off. But she looks good. Why is she talking to that oaf Cedric?"

 I argued with myself until Lee and George stood up. 

"Ready to face the day brother?"

George asked dramatically. I looked and George and Lee as he stood.

"Ready as I'll ever be."


*y/n's POV*

You sat in your last class, potions. You watched the clock slowly tick. Snape was making you all read and take notes about amortentia. Suddenly, Snape cleared his throat.

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