8. Nightmares

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You're running through the halls of Hogwarts. Someone is chasing you and they're getting closer. You round a corner and see Hermione's body laying on the floor, dead. You want to stop running but you can't. You run down what feels like a never ending hallway. You stop and see Fred and George laying on the floor. They are dead to. You drop to the floor, crying. The footsteps get closer and closer. They've almost caught you. 

You shot up and looked at the time.  Three in the morning. You tried to calm yourself down. You slid out of your bed and went to the bathroom. You examined yourself in the mirror. You had sweat dripping down your face and tears streaming out of your eyes.

"It was just a bad dream. It's okay. They're all okay."

You shook your head, trying to get the image of your friends on the floor out of your mind. You decide to go roam the halls. You knew you weren't gonna be getting back to sleep anytime soon, so you slid on some clothes and shoes on. You grabbed your wand and held it extra tight. You slowly walked down the stairs and left the common room. You exhaled deeply once you knew no one had caught you. You closed your eyes and picked a random hall to walk down. You opened your eyes and tried to comprehend your dream. 

"Did it mean something?"

You asked yourself. You played through all the possibilities in your head. You took a right and gasped. It was the same hallway in your dream where Hermione's body had been. You were shaking. You slid your back down the wall and buried your face in your arms. It all felt so real.

"Oh my gosh y/n/n are you okay?"

Fred had walked down the hall, his arms full of food. He dropped the food and ran up to you. You looked at him, your eyes full of tears. You remembered seeing his dead body on the floor. You pulled him into a hug, crying. He hugged you back. He made you feel safe.

"I just... I had a really bad dream."

You said, deciding to tell him the truth. 

"I-I was being chased through this hall. Hermione, you, and Georgie were all dead. It felt so real."

You confessed. You had stopped crying, but having to explain it out loud make you cry again. He pulled you closer. 

"Hey, hey it's okay."

He said. He sounded genuine and concerned. The usual mischief in his voice was gone. You let go of him and took a step back. 

"Thank you Freddie."

You smiled at him and he smiled back. You looked at the food he had dropped on the floor.

"What were you doing out here so late?"

You asked. 

"I was getting food for Lee and George. We were planning another prank and we got hungry."

You nodded. 

"Well I don't want to keep you away from them for too long."

You bent down and picked up some of the food. He pulled you into another hug, making you feel safe. You hugged him back. He let go and took the food from you.

"Are you sure you're okay? I could stay with you in your dorm-"

"It's okay Fred."

You said laughing. He smiled at you and grabbed the rest of his food.

"If you need anything else, you know where to find me."

He winked and walked away. 

*Fred's POV*

"What took you so long?"

Lee questioned. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I ran into y/n. She was crying and upset. She had a bad dream."

The two boys nodded.

"Can we go to bed now? We've been planning this prank for hours."

Lee whined. The three of us agreed to head to bed and finish the prank some other time. 


Hey guys! This chapter wasn't that good. It was more of a filler chapter. I though having someone intense happen would make them get a bit closer. If you have any feedback, it's much appreciated! I hope you all are enjoying the book so far.


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