24. End of the Year

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*Reader's POV*

You were sitting in the Great Hall. Finals had been exempt due to the recent events. Cedric had been transferred to St. Mungos. He was still in critical condition, unsure if he would make it. It was like a dark cloud had fallen over Hogwarts. Victor had only just gotten out of the hospital wing. Cho Chang hadn't stopped crying since the tournament. Everyone was arranged in the Great Hall. The tables had disappeared and they were replaced by long. Everyone was silent as Dumbledore stood up. 

"Good morning students. As you know, this is the day you all will return home. But there is something I must tell you."

Whispers broke out in the room. You looked over to Harry and gave him an encouraging look.

"This is something the ministry does not want me to tell you."

Everyone had been speculating about what happened in the maze. The ministry had kept it under wraps. 

"Cedric Diggory is suffering from severe injuries. We are still not aware of his status. Viktor Krum made it out of the Hospital Wing only yesterday. I assume you are curious as to why people were so severely injured."

Everyone was on the edge of their seat. There had only been rumors about what happened. Harry told you, so you already knew what to expect. The Dark Lord was back. There was an inevitable war in the future and everyone knew it. 

"This was the work of Voldemort himself."

Everyone in the great hall was silent. No one said a word. People could hardly believe it. 

"The Dark Lord is back. He has gathered power, as well as a following. He put Viktor under the Imperius curse. Peter Pettigrew attempted to kill Cedric. The Dark Lord tried to kill Harry Potter."

People were no longer silent. The Great Hall was alive with disbelieving loud voices. Dumbledore allowed the students to discuss, but only for a moment.

"The Ministry wants to keep this hidden, but I believe you all should know.Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory faced Voldemort. You all are dismissed. We look forward to seeing you all next year."

Dumbledore smiled as if he hadn't just informed Hogwarts to the return of the Dark Lord. Everyone took a moment before standing up. You met up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 

"I think he's full of it."

"No doubt he just wants more attention."

Students remarked as they passed Harry.

"Of course the Chosen One can't stand to be out of the spotlight."

Pansy said as she walked by with her possy.

"Well at least he doesn't have to worry about resembling a pug."

Hermione shot back. Pansy walked off, glaring at Hermione.

"You know we believe you Harry."

You assured him, although he looked to be in a different world. Everyone walked to the carriages that would take them to the train. Lee walked up beside you.

"Some year huh?"

You nodded.

"And I have a feeling the years will start to take a turn for the worse."

Lee agreed.

"Do you really think he's back? You Know Who?"

You turned to him

"Of course I think he's back. Why would Harry lie about that?"

Lee shrugged and kept walking. There was a moment of silence before you realized a certain pair of redheads were missing.

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