10. Harry Did You Put Your Name in the Goblet of Fire???

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You woke up on the floor, still in your clothes from the other night. You stretched and yawned as you sat up. Hermione was awake and reading a book. Luna was in the bathroom, and Ginny was passed out on the floor. You threw a pillow at her to wake her up.

"Five more minutes!"

She croaked. You rolled your eyes and stood up. It was Sunday, so no classes. You got dressed in mom jeans with a cute cardigan and a black cropped tank top under it.

"Morning Luna."

You said when she came out of the bathroom after getting dressed. 

"Good morning. You look nice."

She said and smiled.

"Thanks. I really like your sweater!"

I complimented. 


Finally, everyone was ready to walk down to Great Hall for breakfast. When you got there, not many students were present. You watched a number of students, some from Hogwarts and some from the other schools, put their name in the Goblet. Cedric walked up to you.

"I'm going to do it y/l/n. I'm going to put my name in the Goblet!"

Cedric gushed. You smiled weakly.

"Ced, it's really dangerous. I want to make sure you'll be okay."

"Aw, worried about me, are we y/l/n?"

He teased. 

"A little bit. Just be careful, okay?"

"I promise to be careful."

Cedric agreed. He started to walk away.

"Good luck!"

You shouted at him. He turned and grinned and walked up to the goblet. When he put his name in the cup, the great hall erupted into cheers. You walked over to Hermione, who was talking to Lee.

"Hey Lee."

You greeted and turned towards Hermione.

"Have you seen the twins?"

She shook her head.

"I did hear them trying to figure out a way to enter the tournament."

"Really? Dumbledore is one of the smartest wizards ever. They think they can get past his age line?"

Hermione shrugged. You opened your mouth to say something, but just as you did, the twins ran through the door.

"We did it y/n!" 

George said and picked you up. You let out a laugh. 

"I highly doubt it'll work Georgie. Dumbledore is really smart. He probably planned for you and Fred to do this."

You nodded to Fred. He seemed off again. You brushed it off.

"Wish us luck, dearest y/n."

You rolled your eyes as Fred and George linked arms with vials in their hands.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Bottoms up."

They said together and drank the liquid that was in the vial. Nothing seemed to happen. You shook your head, knowing whatever they did wouldn't work. They jumped past the age line. Everyone in the hall clapped. They high-fived and put their slips of paper in the cup. As soon as the paper was engulfed by the flames, Fred and George were blown out of the circle. They looked at each other.

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