35. First Date pt. 2

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*Reader's POV*

You and Fred left the store after buying the book Fred picked out for you

"Where to next?"

You prompted. Fred was thinking of where to go next when you suggested a store.

"How about Zonko's?"

Fred smiled wide.

"That's my girl."

The two of you walked into the lively joke shop. Fred's eyes darted around the packed room, trying to figure out were to start. You watched him bolt to part of the store and you couldn't help but smile.


You eventually went back to Hogwarts in the evening just before dinner.

"I had a lot of fun, Freddie."

"Me too."

On the way back to school, Fred told an animated story of playing quidditch as a kid and almost falling to his death. 

"And the next thing I know I'm falling through the air, my eight years of life flashing before my eyes."

"You have got to be joking."

You said through a fit of laughter.

"Luckily, Charlie just so happened to be walking under me when I fell, so my handsome face wasn't hurt."

"You used Charlie as a cushion?!"

"Hey, I only fell a few feet."

"I thought you said it was a near death experience?"

"For eight year old me it was!"

Fred defended. As he finished his story, you arrived back at Hogwarts.

"Shall we go to dinner?"

"We shall."

The two of you walked into the great hall. Very few people were there, as dinner hadn't started yet. You walked over to the Gryffindor table.

"Miss y/l/n, I believe you may want to sit at your table tonight."

McGonagall said to you with a small smile. You frowned in confusion and turned to Fred.

"I guess I better go to my table. Meet me in the hallway after dinner?"

You suggested. Fred pouted but eventually caved.


Fred kissed your temple, and you went to sit at your house table. You were quite confused by Professor McGonagall's remark as you waited for dinner to start. The Great Hall was bustling with life and the scraping of wooden benches. You noticed Dumbledore had a mischievous looking smile painted across his face. After some of the noise died down, Dumbledore stood up and cleared his throat.

"I know you all are anxious to eat, but I have some news you all might find most interesting."

You looked to your housemates, who were just as confused as you. 

"I am pleased to announce the full recovery and return of the beloved Cedric Diggory!"

The whole of Hogwarts was cheering, but no one as loud as the Hufflepuff house. Cedric walked into the great hall and was immediately swarmed by Hufflepuff's. You waited a bit until the excitement had died down to talk to Cedric. 

"Now, let the feat begin!"

Dumbledore sat down and started to enjoy his food; the rest of the school followed suit. Cedric walked over and sat down next to you, and you immediately engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug.

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