26. Broken Ribs

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*Reader's POV*

You had been confined to the couch for one day. You were still in a decent amount of pain, but Mrs. Weasley was quite a talented healer. You had gotten closer to her, as she spent lots of her time with you. You were constantly being visited by various Weasley's, as well as Hermione and Harry. George had yet to visit, which made you sad. Fred and Ginny were the most frequent visitors. You were bored and had resulted to reading book Hermione gave you. You were reading when George came down the stairs.

"Hey Georgie."

George looked over at you.

"You aren't mad at me?"

"Of course not. Why would I be mad at you?"

"Well I kinda took you out with a bludger..."

George rubbed the back of his neck.

"Accidents happen. You're still one of my best friends."

George perked up.


You laughed.

"Of course you git."

"Great, now we can talk about this thing you have for my twin."

George remarked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


George hugged you tightly, and you tried not to show that you were in pain. He smiled as he left to get some food. Ginny walked in with a plate of food for you. You smiled at her gratefully. 

"How are the ribs feeling today?"

"They're still pretty sore. Your mom said she had more bone meding to do."

"Speak of the devil."

Ginny muttered as Mrs. Weasley walked around the corner.

"Your ready?"

Mrs. Weasley asked and you nodded. Fred rushed from around the corner. You threw him a questioning look.

"I wanted to be here for my best friend."

He responded. Your heart fluttered as he grabbed your hand.

"On the count of three I'm going to mend some more bones."

"On three my arse."

You mumbled under your breath. Fred and Ginny heard it and bit back laughter. 

"What was that dear?"

"Oh nothing."

You smiled.

"This is going to hurt, but after a moment the pain will subside."

You nodded.

"I'm sorry in advance."

Mrs. Weasley mumbled and you looked up at her, a questioning look on your face.

"One, two..."

There was a loud pop and you bit back a scream. You squeezed Fred's hand hard as Mrs. Weasley mended your bones. It hurt more than when you were hit with the bludger.

*Fred's POV*

I rushed into the room. Mum was going to mend some more of y/n's bones. I wanted to be there for her. I scrambled over to her side. I grabbed her hand, knowing this was going to hurt. I had my fair share of bones mended and I knew how much it hurt. Mum started to count down and I felt y/n's hand tense up; she was bracing herself. I heard mum say the spell and I could tell it was hurting y/n. She arched her back in pain and squeezed my hand. 

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